There's No Excuse, Make Media Relations Part Of Your MSP Marketing Strategy In 2019

Do you want to build your brand and get more exposure than you ever thought possible for free? Discover how to advertise your company using local media outlets.

Do you want to make 2019 your most profitable year ever?

Then why in the world are you doing the same thing you did last year? Does that even make sense?

Nope. Are you kidding me?

Give yourself the edge in 2019 by mastering the ins and outs of using media relations to promote your business! Forming profitable relationships with local and regional news organizations is an important step towards building your brand and positioning yourself as a trusted authority within your industry.

Bonus — it’s not as difficult as you imagine.

What Can Developing Media Relations Do For My Business?

The simple answer is: A whole hell of a lot!

Face it. Your business is not the only game in town. Your most likely have at least one direct competitor in your local market; and realistically, more than a few. At least one of your competitors is probably bigger and better established than you. You already know it is not possible for you to match a company like that dollar for dollar with buying ads. So, how are you going compete when it comes to getting your name out there?

The answer is pretty simple. You are going to let the local news turn you the ‘go-to’ guru in the area.

It’s a fact. While confidence in the national news may be at an all-time low, a recent poll found that people are approximately three times more likely to believe something they view in the local media over the same information when they read it online.

“In the current climate, trust is at a premium and advertisers large and small must recognize the clear advantages of partnering with local media in order to communicate with their audiences in a safe, trusted, and highly effective environment,” said Craig Nayman of Local Media Works.

YouGov’s Justin Marshall, stated, “As shown in the data from this research, trust in social media as a source of news is particularly low, followed by general internet searches, whereas trust in established news brands is far greater.”

Taking advantage of the overwhelming trust people place on local news is easy as long as you know how to connect with local media.

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How Can I Find Local Media Relations?

Finding legit local news outlets can be a frustrating experience, especially if you don’t live in the same area where you want to run a story to promote your business. But sites like ABYZ News Links make it much easier to find numerous media sources throughout the world.

Using the website is simple. Once you select where you want to search, all you need to do is click on the links to access the news media’s website where you can find contact information and get in touch with writers and editors. You can save a lot of time looking for email addresses, by using an email finder like Snovio. Snovio is a Chrome extension which automates the processing of harvesting and verifying email addresses from a particular website. Using this type of software can help you to build a verified email list quickly.

Peaking the Local Media’s Interest

You have the names of several local publications or programs, and you have all the decision-makers’ contact information, so now what? Whatever you do, don’t spam your new contacts with garbage. Only send emails full of content which will make their readers, viewers or listeners sit up and take notice.

Maintaining productive media relations requires some work on your part, but in the end, it will definitely pay off with new exposure for your company.

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