Get Your MSP’s Google AdWords Ad to Show Up in Google Map Pack

Get your ad into the Google Map Pack that appears when people search your MSP's keywords. Adding a simple location extension is all it takes. Here's how to do it!

Today, we’ve got a great new tip for MSP marketing that can take your search engine rankings to the next level. This tip has to do with a relatively new feature on Google AdWords and one that many MSPs are unfortunately not taking advantage of!

Connect Your MSP’s Google AdWords Ad to Map Pack Listings

With this strategy, you’ll be adding what’s called a location extension to your Google ad. The goal of this strategy is this:

When a prospective client conducts a search for your keywords in Google, they’ll see your Google ad show up inside the Map Pack that appears.

Now, if you’re not familiar with the Map Pack, this is essentially the small map (and listings below) that shows up when you search something like “burger joints in Phoenix,” or, more aptly, “managed service providers in Houston.” Most searchers navigate here right away to find what they’re looking for.

How to Set Up Your Google AdWords Ad in the Map Pack

1. Start by setting up a unique G-Mail account for your specific location’s ad campaign.

Have email to this G-Mail address forwarded to a G-Mail account you have control of and check often. This is a helpful first step, especially if you have multiple locations or listings that you’re administering. Otherwise, location extensions can easily get confusing, and errors may occur (we’ve seen this happen!).

2. Login to your Google AdWords account.

3. Navigate to the campaign you wish to work on from the far-left vertical menu.

4. In the subsequent vertical menu, click on “Ads & extensions.”

5. Navigate near the top of the screen to the horizontal menu, and click “EXTENSIONS.”

6. Nearby, you’ll see a white plus sign on a blue circular background.

Click this icon, and from the drop-down menu, click “Location extension.” You’ve just added the location extension to the campaign ad.

7. Now, click on “Ads & extensions” (left vertical menu) again, and on “EXTENSIONS” (top horizontal menu) again.

You should see your new location extension there (beneath the heading “Location extension”), along with all the accompanying metrics. It will appear just like any other ad in Google AdWords.

Why Use Location Extensions With Google AdWords

As you can see, adding a location extension takes just a few minutes, and it’s well worth it for your MSP’s marketing campaign!


According to Google, once your Google Ad appears within the Map Pack, the extension is eligible show searchers such valuable information as:

  • Your business’s street address
  • How far away your business is from the searcher’s location
  • Contact information, including open business hours and a phone number with clickable “Call” button
  • Clickable access to additional information about your business

All of this is great for you. People searching for MSPs in your area want useful, up-to-date information on viable businesses now — and this is exactly what the location extension feature offers.

Take Your MSP’s Marketing to the Next Level With Ulistic

As a managed service provider, you’re competing in an often aggressive marketplace. At Ulistic, we help you stay on top of the latest marketing trends and strategies to keep you at #1 in search engine searches. Grade your MSP website now at!


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