Managed Services Telemarketing Companies (Information Only)

There isn’t a day that goes by where Ulistic isn’t asked this question: “Who do you recommend for MSP or Managed Services Telemarketing?”

A Guide To Selecting A Managed Services Telemarketing Company

There isn’t a day that goes by where Ulistic isn’t asked this question:

“Who do you recommend for MSP or Managed Services Telemarketing?”

A quick Google search doesn’t reveal much for telemarketing companies that focus on the managed services community.

Yet, there are many – so I’m perplexed as to why they fail to show up in a web search for MSP telemarketing services.

***Full disclosure: Ulistic now offers telemarketing and business development services.  However, you must be a full-service client to take advantage of this complete service.  Click here for more details.

Below we’ve summarized some of the companies out there that you can contact for MSP telemarketing services (we are not endorsing any organization). We also offer criteria to consider when selecting one.

  • Managed Sales Pros: Lead by Carrie Simpson and Tracie Orisko, Managed Sales Pros is one of the most visible players in the industry. According to its website, Managed Sales Pros focuses on the managed services industry. They compare themselves to general telemarketing services and state why they are a better solution. Ulistic clients have had success with Carrie, Tracie and their team, and some like others, struggled, but with one client of Ulistic where Managed Sales Pros struggled to deliver results, they owned up to it.
  • MSP Telemarketing: We aren’t 100% sure if this company continues to offer services. Their website forwarded us to a generic MSP marketing blog. And after careful review, it appears to be an MSP marketing blog for clients of MSP SEO Factory, referenced in one of our recent MSP marketing services reviews.
  • VSL: This company just popped onto our radar. Their website showcases software and IT telemarketing services.  VSL is located in the United Kingdom, so it may work well for managed service companies in the UK looking to outsource their telesales and telemarketing services.
  • Abstrakt Marketing Group: Based in St. Louis, Missouri, Abstrakt mentions managed services as one of the many industries they serve.  Ulistic has many clients working with us and Abstrakt to maximize their marketing efforts.  One thing about Abstrakt is their onboarding process appears to be rock-solid. Again clients have had various degrees of success.
  • Marketopia: Marketopia offers telemarketing solutions as part of their complete marketing service. Terry and his team are friendly competitors with Ulistic and enjoy a great relationship between our two firms.

There are many others out there...these are just a few that Ulistic has known about.  Some we have never worked with so do your homework.

NOTE: If you would like an introduction to people I know who worked with different organizations, please email me directly at

Selecting A Telemarketing Agency

This is a touchy subject for many.  Telemarketing is considered one of those "disruption-based marketing" solutions, and there are many arguments on telemarketing’s effectiveness as part of your overall marketing strategy.

The jury is out.

Telemarketing has a place in today's world. However, it should be part of your overall marketing solution and part of your complete marketing strategy.

Should You Consider Telemarketing?

Just like email marketing or social media marketing, telemarketing by itself is not effective. But when it’s combined with other marketing efforts, telemarketing results tend to improve.

When your managed services business is considering outsourcing to a telemarketing company, ensure you select one that can include telemarketing and telesales as part of a complete package – and that the telemarketing firm has strong relationships with other marketing resources you’ve engaged with.

Results Speak For Themselves

Don’t ask the telemarketing company for testimonials or references to clients you can't speak with.  Of course, no one is ever going to send you to one who’s not happy with their service. The truths this – everyone has different results, and your results may vary.


Find out where the telemarketing company gets their lists.  There are many list brokers out there, and some use lists where 40% of the information is outdated.

A great telemarketing company will blend your marketing efforts with theirs and employ many marketing vehicles, including social media. They will also research and determine the right businesses to call on your behalf.

Commit To A One-Month Trial

Many telemarketers will tell you that their service has a long runway.  Of course, all marketing takes time to get a solid foothold.  Insist on a one-month trial to see how their services work and if the telemarketing company’s culture is a good fit for you.

Ensure that they understand what you do, why you do it and who your best prospects are.


The telemarketing company you contact should be able to “prove their weight in gold.” Many promise or even commit to results and reporting, but when it comes to doing this, they often fall short.

Before signing an agreement make sure you see their reports and have them explain the information contained in it.


Who owns the contact?  A great telemarketing company will share all the information they collect with you.  Make sure you get in writing who owns the contact information.

You also want to ensure that this contact information can be merged into all of your marketing efforts.

Should You Bring Telemarketing In-House?

Well, that depends. Professional telemarketers have very thick skin.  After all, they face rejection all day long.  Hang-ups, verbal abuse, and angry people are part of their everyday routine.

Companies that attempt to bring this resource in-house have mixed results.


There you have it.  A brief review of the key points to consider when selecting a managed services telemarketing company, and how careful research, planning, and implementation is essential for success with any telemarketing solution.

Make sure your telemarketing efforts are something you don’t jump into blindly.

Do your homework.

Consult your peers who’ve experienced success with managed services telemarketing companies.


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