97% Of Managed Service Companies Receive A Failing Grade When It Comes To Managing The Entire Life Cycle Of A New Business Opportunity.

Ulistic appreciates that new client acquisition can be a very stressful and increasingly daunting task for many managed IT service organizations. This is the number one challenge facing almost every single IT service organization. However, when it comes to investing in the marketing tools and resources to help you out, many of you fall short, […]

Ulistic appreciates that new client acquisition can be a very stressful and increasingly daunting task for many managed IT service organizations. This is the number one challenge facing almost every single IT service organization. However, when it comes to investing in the marketing tools and resources to help you out, many of you fall short, expecting miracles without making the strategic marketing investment or having expectations that are simply out to lunch.

You Don’t Have a Lead Generation Problem…

There is a common challenge facing managed service providers. Many of you would believe that you have a lead generation problem, but I would argue that you don’t have a lead generation challenge but a lifecycle management challenge.

  • How many business cards do you have piled on your desk?
  • How many networking events have you attended and failed to reach out afterwards?
  • How many people have called into your office, you have done your pitch, and then crickets?

This is one of the largest challenges facing managed service providers. If you dig deep down, you have a bunch of leads that simply are not getting acted on. Ulistic has observed this challenge for the past several months and this is why we have jumped with both feet into the “lifecycle marketing” deep end.

Why Is Lifecycle Marketing The Most Important Part Of Your Marketing Strategy?

Ulistic’s Lifecycle Marketing consulting solutions give managed IT service companies a proven marketing framework designed to provide a complete marketing plan to attract new business opportunities. Ulistic’s Lifecycle Marketing was developed by Ulistic and is currently helping managed service providers achieve stratospheric success.

When executed, Ulistic’s Lifecycle Marketing is guaranteed to help you grow revenue and give you more time to focus on taking care of your clients. Why is this important? Very simple, you must have a process that constantly reaches your target market and nurture those opportunities during the entire lifecycle of the relationship or until they eventually become a client.

How Do We Help You Achieve Stratospheric Success?

Ulistic has invested in Infusionsoft to aid in driving client acquisition for our VIP clients. We have found Infusionsoft to be the best and most powerful application that aids in bringing a new prospect into the sales funnel, nurturing them throughout the entire sales process, and eventually, converting this lead into a client.

Our model is simple – ASW!

  • Attract new business opportunities
  • Sell your services and solutions
  • WOW your clients and prospects

Get the VIP Treatment Now!

Ulistic works with the top managed service providers who want to invest in attracting new business opportunities, provide huge amounts of value, and nurture opportunities, then when they are ready, fulfill their needs and challenges. Ready to take your business to the next opportunity?

Ulistic is here to help. Book your free 27-minute consultation to discover how partnering with us can help you increase your new business opportunities, stay connected with opportunities, and at the end of the day, sell your services.

Call 716.799.1999 or email us at



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