This Mammoth Plugin Will Boost Productivity for Your MSP Website

Are you tired of dealing with the horrid HTML detritus from Microsoft Word files? You won't want to miss the Mammoth productivity boost you'll get from this WordPress plugin.

Microsoft Word is one of the best productivity and content editing tools on the planet, but that doesn't mean it is perfect -- by any stretch! One of the key frustrations for content creators are the HTML leftovers that tend to travel with any Word document. You know what happens: you write and format amazing content within Word, copy and paste it into your WordPress MSP website and then have to shake your head when you see the craziness that shows up on the screen. The visible changes to your careful formatting are only the tip of the iceberg, unfortunately. If you take a peek at the HTML for the content you pasted, you'll see a painful mishmash of lines and lines of code that are certain to war with your website styling. Surely, someone has come up with a way to quickly bring in well-formatted Word files without the extra "mess" that usually follows them. Here's a tip: you will see some "Mammoth" productivity boosts when you use this particular WordPress plugin!

Cleaning Up the Content on Your MSP Website

While you may not immediately see the issues on the front end of your website with content pasted from Word, all those additional styles can slow down your website. Think about it, each of those instructions has to be machine-read and decoded. Without all those additional behind-the-scenes conversations going on in HTML, the page can load much more quickly. The Mammoth .docx converter by Michael Williamson quickly translates the convoluted Microsoft Word content into much cleaner and simpler HTML by ignoring a great many extraneous details that are baked into Word.

Matching Styles for Your MSP Website

Matching the original styles that you built for your MSP website has never been simpler. With the Mammoth WordPress plugin, you can reduce the formatting that you're doing on the Word document and ensure that everything stays clean and shiny when you bring it to the web. These basic styles are currently supported:

  • Footnotes and endnotes
  • Headings
  • Lists (bulleted and numbered)
  • Table functionality (not styling)
  • Links
  • Text boxes
  • Images

Let's face it -- what else do you truly need?!?

Creating content for your MSP website is a crucial part of your digital marketing strategy that will help generate leads and expand your audience. Want to see how your current website stands up to the competition? Claim your free website grading from Ulistic Founder and CEO, Stuart Crawford. You'll get a 60-minute consultation with one of the leading minds in MSP website marketing -- full of recommendations that will help your digital marketing generate new, actionable leads.


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