Lessons from the Three Wise Channel Leaders

MSP Marketing Expert & Ulistic founder Stuart Crawford, Carrie Simpson of Managed Sales Pros and Chris Sterbenc from FreedomVoice recently held a fruitful discussion concerning MSP growth and efficiency. Here are some of the top takeaways from that discussion. Outsource When Prospecting Overlaps with Revenue Generation. Many entrepreneurs have a hard time determining exactly when to […]

MSP Marketing Expert & Ulistic founder Stuart Crawford, Carrie Simpson of Managed Sales Pros and Chris Sterbenc from FreedomVoice recently held a fruitful discussion concerning MSP growth and efficiency.

Here are some of the top takeaways from that discussion.

Outsource When Prospecting Overlaps with Revenue Generation.

Many entrepreneurs have a hard time determining exactly when to begin delegating tasks, and Carrie Simpson made the point that all businesses, regardless of industry or size, can adhere to: Outsource when your prospecting begins to cut into the money you make actually performing your business duties.

Outsourcing Beats In-House 99% of the Time.

When you hire a single in-house employee, you are about nine months away from a full-fledged team member, and that is "if they stay," as Carrie wisely noted. Outsourcing allows you to hire a fully competent day one asset without any of the overhead costs or learning curve that a new hire requires. You also pay only for the services that you use when you outsource.

Remarketing is an Effective Tool for Conversions.

Stuart made the point that remarketing is a highly effective and underused tool for converting customers who visit a website without buying. Remarketing also automates the follow up process to a degree. It is also much more cost effective than rebuying ads on major search engines and social media platforms.

SMS Beats Email Marketing.

Spam filters, wary customers and low engagement are creating a trend towards SMS marketing and away from email. SMS also gives the opportunity for immediate opt-in data grabs that increase the level of personal engagement with the customer.

Connect with the Entire Organization when Employing SMM.

Stuart and Chris both agreed that a comprehensive engagement across all levels of the client hierarchy improves engagement and the possibility of a conversion in B2B relationships. In some cases, C-level employees are not even the most important employees to reach.

Qualify Leads through Gatekeepers to Save Time Prospecting.

10 minutes of research loses 8 hours a week when prospecting, as Carrie noted. When calling a company, qualify that company through the gatekeeper in order to see if there is any fit for your services. Limit your research to those qualified leads, and do not waste time browsing LinkedIn when you are supposed to be calling.

Ulistic is the trusted choice when it comes to staying ahead of the latest managed services marketing 7 sales tips, tricks, and news. Contact us at 716.799.1999 or send us an email at for more information.


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