60 Minutes That Will Blow Your Mind About MSP Lead Generation

Lead Generation, the biggest myth in the IT channel. That’s right, you heard me correctly.  There is no such thing as lead generation and whoever tells you there is, well they are blowing smoke up you know where. Really folks, lead generation is the biggest lie most companies will tell you to strip away your […]

Lead Generation, the biggest myth in the IT channel. That’s right, you heard me correctly.  There is no such thing as lead generation and whoever tells you there is, well they are blowing smoke up you know where. Really folks, lead generation is the biggest lie most companies will tell you to strip away your hard-earned dollars.

Well, if it isn’t lead generation, what is it?

That is a very good question, one we hope to answer during our next 60 minute series on April 6. Joining us will be Managed Services Lead Discovery expert, Carrie Simpson.  Yes, that’s it, lead discovery.

During this “60-minute nothing-hidden-from-you” discussion, really, this is not like other webinars where we get your attention, suck you in, and then tell you nothing. Carrie and I will share everything we know about what’s up in the managed-services industry and how your IT services business can better discover business opportunities in the marketplace.  Nothing will be held back. That is not the way we roll at Ulistic.


Learn how to ask the right questions and have people openly share what their information technology is, understand how you can get to the right person in the first place so you are not wasting your time barking up the wrong tree, and learn how the experts discover leads, and then generate business opportunity from these discoveries.

Interested in discovering more business opportunities in your market?  Then I would highly recommend you tune in on April 6, at 1 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

Who is Carrie Simpson? Really, you need to ask this? Carrie Simpson is an expert at helping managed service providers generate more business opportunities and manage their sales pipelines. Where other MSP appointment-setting companies solely focus on lead generation (remember this is not true anyway), her company, Managed Sales Pros, provides business development, appointment-setting services and pipeline management for scores of managed service companies in Canada and the United States.  In my opinion, she is one of the top sales professionals in the channel, and this opportunity is prime for you to learn something to propel your business to new heights.

Tune in April 6 at 1 p.m.


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