Infusionsoft and Social Media: Close More MSP Sales Opportunities

How to Effectively Chase Leads. Most MSPs don’t do the hard work needed to get the leads they need to grow their business.  They shrink in size over time because they don’t stay on top of this.  Did you know that you can gain $2,500 or more a month by continuing to go after leads?  […]

How to Effectively Chase Leads.

Most MSPs don’t do the hard work needed to get the leads they need to grow their business.  They shrink in size over time because they don’t stay on top of this.  Did you know that you can gain $2,500 or more a month by continuing to go after leads?  If you don’t, your competition will.  You must have an ongoing plan to pursue leads to get new business opportunities.

Lead-Generation Activities You Should Pursue.

You can’t sit back and wait for leads to come your way. You must go after them. Here are some suggestions:

Once a month, pick a theme to use to connect with your leads:

Use the theme:

  • To invite leads to a webinar based on this theme.
  • And send a print sales letter. (Are you using Infusionsoft? —You should.)
  • In your telemarketing campaign.
  • As a focus in your paper and e-newsletters.
  • In 4 marketing e-mails.
  • When you, the owner of your company, calls 1/3 of your best leads. Invite them to your webinar and offer them something for free (like a backup solution for their home PCs).
  • In a one-minute marketing video on Facebook.
  • As the subject expert in blog-talk radio.

Next: Take your Infusionsoft list (the top leads in your list) and:

  • Send out a series of email messages to them (with offers for a free e-book, tips and tricks, free training sessions onsite, etc.)

Note:  Don’t forget to canvass, and research people on the Internet to continue adding leads to your Infusionsoft list. (See Ulistic’s article on canvassing). 

Maintain Your Connections.

“Reach Out and Touch Someone.”

Use Social Media to Make and Keep Connections.

  • Social media is the avenue to focus on today. Why?  Because it’s the next big frontier to make quality connections.  If you’re not connecting with people on social media, you’ll lag behind your competitors. Connect with leads on both LinkedIn and Facebook. Send them a message that’s short and personal, rather than a canned sales pitch.
  • Every person in your company who works with clients, must have a social media presence—your sales people, your tech services manager, your administrators, etc. Each of them will have a different message. They relate to your clients’ needs in their way.
  • But Facebook Isn’t for Business, you say?  WRONG: People won’t follow you if they don’t know who you are. Say something about you and your company that’s personal and that anyone can connect with.  Word-of-mouth is the best type of marketing you can do.  If your clients aren’t on Facebook, someone they know is.  A simple Facebook post that connects with someone will help to increase sharing. (Plus, it’s free!) You’re getting a large reach without paying a cent.  If you do want to put money into it, it’s relatively cheap to do on Facebook (5 to 10 cents a click vs. Google for several dollars, even tens of dollars a click).  Facebook is for business owners now.  B2B marketing is done on Facebook.
  • Should you add your Business followers on Facebook to Your “Personal” page?  Yes, with a caveat. You should filter the information you post if your personal account contains the info you don’t want your business people to see.  In this instance, set up a separate Business Account on Facebook.  But, it’s a great way for prospects to get to know you personally.
  • Research Your, and Your Friends’ Facebook and LinkedIn Followers. You may find out that they have something in common with you (e.g., they or a spouse may have gone to your alma mater).  Take advantage of these personal connections to market your MSP business.  You can also pick up contact information on leads from Facebook.  If you think a contact might be a potential lead, add them to Infusionsoft. This should become part of your lead-chasing process.

Start a Group on Facebook.

It may be a business professional group in your area, or a particular industry you serve.  Think of it as your own Chamber of Commerce social media group. You’ll soon find prospects who you can turn into a lead. And, you’re always in charge of the group. Sent out a notification about educational information, such as a webinar invitation, tip sheet, etc.  When your group members get a notification, they’ll have an automatic invite to your information.

People First, Company Second, Product or Service Third. The narrative should start with a personal message, mentioning your company and your product or service.  When communicating with clients on Facebook and LinkedIn, ask them if they wouldn’t consider asking them for a reference to your MSP business on Facebook.  They may ask you to do the same for their activities, which is fine. These are things that help to build business relationships.

NOTE: Here’s a great resource you should check out: Jab, Jab Right Hook  its chock full of information that will help you use social media to make and maintain leads.

Remember: The more people you connect to, with good content, the greater your reach is.  This is the way to get the leads you need.   

These are just a few ideas for you—We have many more tips to help you effectively chase your leads. Connect with Ulistic at: 

  • Call Stuart directly at 716.263.6961
  • Email Stuart directly at
  • Connect up on Facebook at

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