Mr. PDF Would Be Proud ( Review)

Discover why is the smart choice for MSPs looking to compress, convert, repair, protect and organize PDF files to use in websites and emails

A challenge many managed IT services providers face is the types of PDF files and other documents you get from customers and vendors. The sheer size of some of these documents can be staggering. Graphic artists, for example, often produce rich, graphic-intensive documents.

Getting a file from a vendor or client that's 20, 30 or 40 megabytes in size can be daunting. They're too big to put on your website or download on a mobile device or on a desktop computer with bandwidth limits and slow download speeds. As noted in a recent article, you want to use PDFs "in an effective way without annoying your readers or driving them to find the content they want elsewhere."

PDF files can be challenging in other ways, too. Data extraction, conversion and file management can all be difficult, especially if you're using a basic version of your favorite PDF tool.

A great tool for solving these challenges is to use

How Does Work? offers users a web-based suite of tools to complete different tasks necessary when working with PDF files. It has three levels of pricing, including a free option.

It's simple and fast to use. One of our favorite features is Compress PDF. It lets you take a PDF on your computer or in your system and upload it to the website. Once the file is uploaded, you can choose from several compression options:

  • Extreme Compression, which gives you a high compression rate but less quality
  • Recommended Compression, which offers good quality while reducing the file size reasonably
  • Less Compression, which maintains a high level of quality but reduces the amount of compression

The web program quickly performs the desired compression, makes the new file available for download and shows you how much smaller your new PDF is.

File compression helps to make PDF files more manageable and friendlier to your MSP website. It will be easier to put in an email or use for other marketing purposes.

What Services Does Offer?

There are 18 different functions on They include:

  • Merge to combine multiple PDFs in the order you want
  • Split to separate pages
  • Compress
  • Eight conversion tools to convert a PDF to a Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint file or a jpeg or any of those file types into a PDF
  • Page numbers with choices for positions, sizes and typography
  • Watermark to add images or text over the PDF pages
  • Rotate that lets you present the pages in the orientations you prefer
  • Unlock to remove password security
  • Protect that adds a password to grant access to the PDF or encrypts the documents
  • Organize to sort, delete or add pages to your PDF
  • Repair to fix a damaged PDF and recover data

At Ulistic, we help MSPs with marketing strategy, SEO and website design. Grade your MSP website now at


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