Top HubSpot Marketing For IT Service Companies

HubSpot’s Inbound conference always reveals exceptional tips for MSPs and their marketing plans. Here are the top IT marketing tips from this year’s conference.  

Hubspot's Inbound 2019: Key Marketing Tips for IT Companies

HubSpot’s Inbound conference always reveals exceptional tips for MSPs and their marketing plans. Here are the top IT marketing tips from this year’s conference.  

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Every year, HubSpot hosts the annual Inbound conference, and this year, the conference was bigger and better than ever.

The entire event, which takes place over three days, hosts hundreds of individual sessions with experts and professionals. Each of these sessions offers a multitude of actionable tips for businesses and organizations in essentially every industry.

For managed service providers seeking marketing tips, this year’s Inbound event proved especially beneficial. Here are 4 tips MSPs can take home and start using right away to improve their marketing.

HubSpot’s Inbound Conference 2019: What Are the Top Hubspot Marketing Tips IT Service Companies Can Take Away?

1. Better utilization of LinkedIn

Many managed service providers use LinkedIn ads to market their businesses. According to the site itself, “Advertising on LinkedIn helps businesses of any size achieve their goals … Whether your goal is leads, brand awareness, or even event registrations, LinkedIn ads can help.”

At one of the Inbound sessions, AJ Wilcox, a LinkedIn ads expert, recommended highly recommended taking out sponsored content and but avoiding dynamic carousel ads as they offered a low return.

2. How to improve blog conversion

Every MSP should have a blog, which should be updated regularly. Creating blog posts should be something that is done in-house or outsourced to a copywriter. Topics can range as far and wide as you choose but should essentially focus on the world of IT services.

One of the key tips provided at the Inbound conference was to provide CTAs throughout blog post — at least when the beginning, several throughout the body of that blog post, and when at the end.

3. How to handle the rise in remote office work

An increasing number of employees are looking for ways to work from home, and many businesses are eager to comply. But there are numerous bugs to work out when it comes to hiring off-site or remote workers.

First, it’s important to emphasize that working remotely from home can be lonely for some employees — especially if they’re used to working in a regular office setting with coworkers.

Next, you should speak to your off-site workers about how to remain an integral part of the team. You’ll need to deliberately set aside time to meet with each remote worker and ensure that the connection and communication between you is strong and consistent.

4. How YouTube can boost your conversion rate

It’s imperative to produce a wide range of consistent content for your website and other sites like YouTube. Next, however, you need to get people to actually read, watch, and listen to your content.

With Facebook video, keep in mind that clicks and watches have gone way down in recent years. It’s essentially not worth it to post there as a result.

When it comes to YouTube, you’ll be wise to remember that you only have a maximum of one minute, fifteen seconds to ensure that your viewer stays interested. That’s why you should make sure to get your value proposition, pain points, and a few CTAs into the first sixty seconds of your video.

Get More Help With IT Marketing by Contacting Ulistic Today!

Improving your MSP’s marketing can be what takes your business to the next level. But your marketing strategy has to be a central part of your business plan, and that means partnering with a strong MSP marketing firm.

Speak with Ulistic today to learn more about our business development, marketing, and sales services for managed IT service businesses. We offer complimentary 60-minute, no-obligation MSP marketing review with our trusted Ulistic team. Just call 855-964-2608.


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