How To Get Into Position 0 On Google

Does your business have what it takes to get into Position 0 on Google? Get help from Ulistic with all your SEO needs.

How To Get Into Position 0 On Google

Earning the top-ranked search result has been a priority for millions of businesses for the last few years. For many business leaders, improving search engine optimization (SEO) and growing their online presence is one of their top marketing goals. This is not at all surprising when the majority of online experiences begin with a search engine. Over 80% of people conduct some type of online research before committing to a product or service.

However, in true Google fashion, the SEO goalpost has been moved. For many MSP leaders, ranking in Position 1 is one of their SEO priorities. However, in a competitive MSP market, achieving that top position in the Google SERPs (search engine results pages) is not the easiest thing to do. I'm not saying this is impossible, but don't overlook the opportunity to get into Position 0 in the Google SERPs.

If you want to stay ahead of the curve and continue to capitalize on the power of SEO, there are some important things you need to know about Position 0.

What Is Position Zero?

Position 0 is the information Google provides at the top of every search result. Position 0 is used to provide a direct answer to a search query, so users don't have to waste several hours wading through irrelevant content just to find an answer to their question. Position 0 is also known as a 'featured snippet' and is designed to create a smoother user experience by placing relevant content above the highest-ranking search result.

You will notice that Position 0 does not look like the other results. A featured snippet can be used to draw more user attention to the results page. Position 0 can appear in many forms, such as a paragraph of content, and ordered (numbered) or unordered (bulleted) list, or a table of data.

It is not uncommon for URLs ranking on page 3 of the Google SERPs to get into Position 0 with a featured snippet. Most featured snippets are for URLs that rank in the top 10 of the search engine results. If one of your pages ranks at the bottom of the search engine results, getting into Position 0 can be a huge boost to that page's visibility.

Why Is Ranking in Position 0 Important?

Position 0 is the first listing at the top of the page and it is important because people are more likely to click over to your site because of your high ranking.

Figuring out SEO is hard enough, so why should you be concerned with Position 0? Well, it's a simple case of answering the question: ''Do you want to improve your chances of being seen or not? Despite early concerns, Click-Through Rates have jumped since the introduction of Position 0.

When you are taking steps to boost your SEO and improve organic traffic and sales, Position 0 should be a priority. It's worth pointing out that Position 0 results are used in voice searches. So, when someone is seeking answers from devices like Amazon Echo and Alexa Devices, Google Home, and Apple HomePod, your content could be used as a source of information. Sounds good, right?

How Can I Increase My Chances of Getting Into Position 0?

When you get your blog to rank as a featured snippet, it means that you have thoroughly answered a searched question. Your page will be the first thing online users see when they search for that question, so your page must be extensive. From the first ten results, Google will choose one of the pages to also get into Position 0. If you're already ranking on the first page of Google, you should start optimizing your posts so you can get into Position 0.

Here are a few things you can do to increase your chances of getting into Position 0:

Focus on long-tail keywords

Online users will typically use long-tail keywords when they're getting closer to purchasing a product or service, or when they're using a voice search. Long-tail keywords may not get as much traffic as short-tail keywords, but long-tail keywords typically have a higher conversion value because they are more specific. Long-tail keywords allow you to progressively get more traffic to your site and be found.

Focus on question-based queries

The overall percentage of question-based search queries has continued to increase. The number of internet users worldwide continues to increase due to the mass adaption of mobile devices, and this means more people are interested in finding solutions to their problems. This explains the increase in searches for "how" related terms. Although questions are making up a nice portion of the searches globally, there is something interesting to keep in mind: Questions are easier to rank for. Is this convincing you to start creating question-based content?

Focus on a clear and detailed page structure with quality content

When it comes to SEO best practices, great content is going to win. You need to write quality content that is continually relevant and will always be considered fresh content for readers. So, writing about something that's relevant now may gain instant traction, but will it get the same search volume a few months later?

Not only should your content be high-quality, but it should also cover all angles of your chosen topic. You can create an in-depth analysis of your topic by using commonly searched questions as headers. However, do not be tempted to use keywords just for the sake of using them. Google uses Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) to assess the meaning of content you produce on your website and your blog.

Every sentence needs to flow and indicate an understanding of the subject. Get rid of the fluff and give the answers your online visitors are looking for. In terms of layout, remember how Position 0 works:

  • Paragraph:  Answers a question in the form of a paragraph
  • List: A numbered or bulleted list
  • Table: Answers a question in the form of a table

You don't want to just answer a question outright because it will mean a user doesn't have to click on your website link to get more information. The goal is to get people on to your website rather than having everything displayed in Google listings. You want to create lists that contain more steps than users can see in the Google listing, which will prompt users to click on the provided link.

Does your business have what it takes to get into Position 0 on Google? If you don't know the answer to this question, engage with Ulistic LP today to find out how we can help you get there.


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