How To Generate Content Ideas For Your Website

Today's tip gives you a user-friendly way to keep track of new content ideas for your website. First, let's talk about why you need content at all and why it matters that it is fresh and new.

How To Generate Content Ideas For Your Website

Today's tip gives you a user-friendly way to keep track of new content ideas for your website. First, let's talk about why you need content at all and why it matters that it is fresh and new. Basically, content serves two main purposes — to provide information that attracts and keeps customers and to help your website show up on the first page when someone enters a search phrase into a search engine such as Google.

What is Content?

The customers or clients you serve have specific needs and wants. They may be in a specific location, own certain types of businesses, or have particular interests. The group of customers you serve best is your target audience. If you were to describe your ideal client, you would be creating your "buyer persona." Those are the individuals or business owners that are most likely to benefit from and buy your services. Your content needs to appeal to those people.

Creating content for your website revolves around generating topic ideas that will be well-received by people that match or come close to matching your buyer persona. It can be presented as written or visual content in various formats such as blogs, videos, and graphics.

What is Unique Content?

Unique content is original content. It makes your website visitors and the search engines happy.

  • Unique content for customers — when people go to search engines on Internet, they are looking for answers to their questions or solutions to their problems. If you have a product or service that gives them what they need, your content had better say so. The Internet gives people a virtual ocean of choices, so your content must give them the best possible answer or solution. The higher the quality of your content, the more likely your website visitors will read it and return for more. They will develop trust in you as an authority when you provide information that cannot be found elsewhere or when it is shared in an interesting and informative way.
  • Unique content for search engines — search engines grade content not only on the inclusion of the search phrases people use but, more importantly, on the quality of the content. Duplicating or plagiarizing content from another website is a definite thumbs down. Search engines have the same desire to serve clients like you. It means they want to offer websites with great content, first and foremost, at the top of the list. When your content is well-prepared, original, interesting, on-topic, educational, informative, and even entertaining, you will get a thumbs up.

Coming Up with Unique Content Ideas

You might be thinking, "That all sounds good, but how can I possibly come up with an endless supply of topics?" Here's the thing — you have a mission for your business and a vision for the future. No one on earth understands it quite as you do. What you may take for granted is for others, like finding gold. You can deeply relate to the people that want to buy your product or service. After all, you came up with their solution! Your customers are looking for you and what you know is highly valuable to them. Everything you know about your product and its effects is significant.

At Last, Your Tip!

We know it is a challenge to add new items to your task list when you are already giving eight days a week to running your business. As the marketing agency for your MSP, we constantly monitor the trends taking place across the industry. Our goal is to position you as an industry leader, providing your clients with timely and relevant topics. We want you to be foremost in people's minds when they need a solution you can provide. We want to differentiate you from your competitors, emphasizing the distinctive nature of your solutions. That gives you a unique edge and why we are motivated to obtain content ideas from the source — you!

To make the process as user-friendly as possible, make a recording. This explains what we mean:

  • Grab your smartphone or any device that can record and quickly send a message.
  • Create an audio dictation or video recording of your thoughts.
  • You can record a conversation you're having with others.
  • Do a total "brain dump" in 3 to 4-minute segments.
  • Do not try to edit or censor your thoughts; we want your raw data even if it seems fragmented.
  • Please send us that clip, and repeat the process next time you have 5 or so minutes.

Our Process for Converting Your Ideas to Content

Once we have your recording, we get started on turning it into content for your website. The first step is to transcribe your files to get them into a text format. We use an online transcription service called Transcribe by Wreally. Starting at $20/year, we get transcriptions that are 90 percent accurate, depending on how clear the speaker is, as well as the cadence of their voice. It is a simple process, and we recommend you check out the service for your own use!

Next, we upload the files and use our favorite features to identify multiple speakers and insert time codes. Once the process is complete, we click on Upload File, and the result is an excellent transcription of your thoughts. We send the transcript to our professional copyediting and writing team for them to transform into great content for your website.

Partner with the Top MSP Marketing Team

We hope you found this information useful. We enjoy creating valuable content for the MSP community — sharing tools, tricks, tips, and techniques. We are confident we are on the right track, and with the number of excellent reviews we have received on Google, we are inspired to serve you even more!

We are on a mission to market your MSP business and, ultimately, to generate leads. Great content that appeals to your clients is the number one source for capturing the attention of prospective clients, converting them to buying customers, and maintaining their repeat business. We invite you to reach out and speak with us about what we can do for your MSP business.


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