Top Lessons Learned When Hiring An Internal Marketing Person

Should you or shouldn't you hire an internal marketing person for your managed IT services business.  In this blog post, MSP marketing specialist Stuart Crawford will share some top tips, lessons learned and what you need to know before you rush out and hire an IT marketing person for your MSP business.  Be forewarned, you want to read this, so you don't make the same mistakes other MSP before you have made.

Should You Hire An Internal Marketing Person?

Should you or shouldn't you hire an internal marketing person for your managed IT services business.  In this blog post, MSP marketing specialist Stuart Crawford will share some top tips, lessons learned and what you need to know before you rush out and hire an IT marketing person for your MSP business.  Be forewarned, you want to read this, so you don't make the same mistakes other MSP before you have made.

Top Tips All Managed Service Providers Need To Consider Before Hiring An Internal Marketing Person

This is another question we get asked all the time when speaking with managed service providers Some are in the middle of a growth spurt and need an extra hand to help with marketing, business development or sales administration.
Internal Marketing Person

If you decide you need a marketer on staff, first ask yourself:

“What should I look for in an internal marketing person for my managed services business?”

Quick answer: It depends.
Yes! Killing it… closed a 3k MRR deal this past week off a lead from the website… In our brand new territory, Congrats, you guys have paid for yourselves.
Michael Frieder
On Call Computer Solutions LLC

Ready For Some Rock Solid Advice?

Here’s some of the best advice I can offer you.
  • Have they worked in the MSP trenches? There are a lot of talented marketing people out there. Many who are book smart and “talk a good game.” Guess what? You don’t want this kind of a "marketer." , you want someone who has worked in the MSP industry – someone who knows how to "play the game" and wins. Look for an MSP marketer with a proven track record of success and practical experience. Either inside or outside the MSP space. Otherwise, you can say goodbye to your bank account.
  • Technical marketing trumps creative marketing. OK, I know that I’m going to get a lot of flack on this one. I would rather have someone skilled in video editing, is a passionate writer and even more passionate about editing. Someone with skills in SEO, and who understands the technical side of social media…get my drift here? Technical marketing trumps creative marketing every day of the week.
  • Conduct a personality test. DISC is a great tool. (Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Compliance (C)). Find out who this person is outside of what you see in the job interview process. Do they have the parts and pieces to handle this role?  What are their strengths and weaknesses? The DISC tool is a great first step.  You should DISC every one of your staff members.
  • Do they have a personal brand? This is a golden ticket. I would hire anyone who has their own personal brand.  Personal brand equates to followers, which means influence and more potential business opportunities.  Always hire someone who brings a great personal brand to the table.

Will Your Internal Marketing Professional Butt Heads With Your MSP Marketing Company?

Marketing people are always right. Didn't you know that? Ulistic has butted heads many times with internal marketing resources. We have many examples of marketing people becoming combative and difficult. Everyone is on the same team. Companies, like Ulistic, allow internal marketing persons to look like a rock star, not the devil.

Why are most marketing people combative?

Well, … they fear the agency is going to take their job away.
This is definitely not the case. But, many MSP marketing agencies deal with this on a daily basis.
Internal marketing professionals who have something to prove may also have a need to make themselves feel like they’re the only ones their employer needs. If your internal marketing manager feels this way, it’s time to look for another.
MSP marketing professionals who agree to work with an outside MSP marketing agency, and who view the relationship as a collaborative one, outperform their peers who balk at the idea.
Make sure that when you hire a marketing professional for your company that you address this. Even better, have your outsourced marketing agency interview this person first, to make sure they are the right fit for your company.
What’s the view of your marketing manager?  This is a very legitimate concern and something that you should look into.

Stuart’s Thoughts On Hiring An Internal Marketing Person

Hire a junior person who wants to learn.  They are cheaper, don’t come with baggage, and your outsourced marketing company can train them for you!
Need help with getting your managed services marketing programs off the ground?  Ulistic is here to help.  Give us a call or send us an email.

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