Want Some Great Search Engine Results?

Run a Job Ad on Your Website. I want to share something that a client of ours is doing. The result has been that they’ve gotten some great search engine results from it. They’ve posted a landing page on their website advertising for an IT Support Engineer. They continue to keep this ad running even […]

Run a Job Ad on Your Website.

I want to share something that a client of ours is doing. The result has been that they’ve gotten some great search engine results from it.

They’ve posted a landing page on their website advertising for an IT Support Engineer.


They continue to keep this ad running even when they don’t have a job to fill. Why? Because, as people are searching on the Internet they’re always looking for new tech solutions and products. In their ad, my client included that they’re looking for an IT professional who knows about these things. For example:

  • Microsoft Office 365,
  • Microsoft Windows 7/8/ and 10
  • RMM and PSA tools
  • Video Conferencing Equipment
  • iPads/iPhones and smartphones


And guess what happened as a result? They always get ranked first in Google Search. Plus, when people see their ad, they consider using this company’s MSP services vs. hiring their own in-house tech. They realize how much there is to know in the world of IT today.

So, here’s my tip: Constantly run job ads like this on your website, and refresh and update them often. Then link them to the Google Ad Console. It adds great content to your website, your click-thru rate, and your credibility. Plus, even if you don’t need to hire another IT professional, maybe that great IT tech you didn’t know you needed may just come knocking on your door. At the very least, it will improve your search engine optimization.

In the meantime, if you have any questions about SEO, give me a call or shoot me an email. I’m always here.

Stuart Crawford


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