Gozynta: Two Great Services For Managed IT Service Providers

Is your Managed IT Services company running or even speaking with Gozynta. If not, you need to be. Gozynta offers two great solutions for ConnectWise.

Gozynata: Something Every Single MSP Needs To Look At...And Look At Now!

Managed IT services are the technological backbone of a business. As more business has moved online, more advanced technology is required to stay competitive. Additionally, someone is needed to manage all that technology. Managed IT service companies have bolstered IT teams or taken on the responsibilities of an IT team on their own, effectively allowing businesses to outsource their IT department entirely.

While the latest information technology has revolutionized the way business is done, there's always room for improvement. With so many platforms being used across a business's operations, efficiency has become a prime target for development. That's where Gozynta saw an opportunity. Learn all about Gozynta, and discover how they make IT services easy with their advanced software systems.

Bolstering MSPs

At the core of Gozynta is a singular mission. They strive to make managed service providers more productive by providing solutions that make their services easier to carry out for their customers. It's a collective effort that makes business run more smoothly for everyone involved. Gozynta stems from decades of experience in software development for a wide variety of businesses, so they know what features companies are looking for from MSPs.

Their dedication to making systems connect and work with each other stems from the company's founder, Brian, and his grandfather. His grandfather would frequently work on little projects and ask Brian for a "gozynta." That was his word for something that goes into something else, like a screw into an empty hole. Because Brian's idea for a company involved making data fit into a new system, it seemed like the perfect name.


When MSPs have a customer service problem to deal with, there's often a complicated process involved. Tixt streamlines this process, making problem-solving easier than ever before. Instead of enduring a long phone call or going through a chat interface, the process can be done over a text message. Tixt is still different from standard text, however, in ways that make the process easier for everyone involved.

With Tixt, a client can text a number with a description of the problem and a picture of their screen. Upon being texted, an alert will appear for the MSP in their management platform. This alert can be assigned to technical support staff as needed, with the initial platform overseer determining whether an issue is urgent. If the support staff employee doesn't reply right away, the platform overseer can attempt to help to their limited ability. Updates of the entire exchange will appear visible for the staff member the alert was assigned to, so they'll know whether it has been resolved when they check back.

Should the problem persist, the staff member is then in a position to help once they return to their computer, or immediately if they were never away in the first place. The support staff member can then push out a solution that will solve the problem for the customer. Once the problem is fixed, the support staff member will go to the management platform and log the task as complete, which closes the ticket. This will also send a final text to the client that the support ticket has been closed. During this process, the worker's time will even be logged into the task, making it easy for management to keep track of.

Mobius Connect

When it comes to accounting, Mobius Connect revolutionizes your efforts as nothing else can. Using ConnectWise Manage, clients can connect the platform with any accounting software system they want, whether it's QuickBooks, Sage 300, Dynamics Nav, or another. This kind of efficient communication comes with a wide variety of benefits clients can enjoy, like the elimination of data entry duplicates, improved accuracy, ease of communication, and more efficient utilization of resources. With increased efficiency, clients can even save money on technology debt and labor costs.

Having this kind of communication is essential, especially when you look at trends after the COVID-19 pandemic. Numerous workers were forced into remote positions, and while that certainly caused problems for all sorts of companies, the benefits of that arrangement became apparent as well. Remote work has increased efficiency and lowered costs for so many companies that 74% of CFOs are looking to move up to 10% of their employees to permanently remote positions, according to a Gartner survey. With Mobius Connect, that 10% could increase even more, as accounting jobs and similar positions can be done efficiently off-site as well.

Gozynta and Success as a Managed IT Services Provider

Gozynta offers unique software solutions that MSPs and their clients can benefit from. Whether you're looking to learn more about their story of success or you want to optimize your own MSP business, don't hesitate to contact them and speak with Ulistic today to learn more about our business development, marketing, and sales services for managed IT service businesses.


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