Google Search Console: Are You Using It With Your MSP SEO Strategies

The Google Search Console and How to Use It to Increase Your Webpage Rankings. The Google Search Console (previously known as Google Webmaster Tools) is an invaluable tool to get your website views.  It’s a free service that lets your webmasters check indexing status, and optimize the visibility of your website. Proper Google navigation helps deep […]

The Google Search Console and How to Use It to Increase Your Webpage Rankings.

The Google Search Console (previously known as Google Webmaster Tools) is an invaluable tool to get your website views.  It’s a free service that lets your webmasters check indexing status, and optimize the visibility of your website.

Proper Google navigation helps deep crawling and indexing of your site.  There are many things you can do to increase the effective site crawl rate and get faster indexing

You should have access to it through your MSP marketing company.  If you don’t, talk to them and make sure they provide it to you. Working with the Console isn’t so easy, and you must use it properly to get the results you want.

Basically, you want to increase your site ranking in Google. Search engines use bots and spiders to crawl your website for indexing and ranking. This is an important aspect of search engine optimization (SEO). If they can’t crawl your site effectively, many of your pages won’t be indexed properly so search engines can find them.

Go to the Google Search Console and:

  • Submit and check your sitemap (a list of your webpages that are accessible to crawlers or users).
  • Check and set the crawl rate.
  • View statistics about when Google accesses a particular site.
  • List internal and external pages that link to your site.
  • Set preferred domains.
  • See what keyword searches are most popular. *

*Search Traffic/Search Analytics

You should check this on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to see which keywords are most popular, how many clicks you received, and the queries that were used to find you. This will help you define the keywords that are working (or not).

Once you find the keyword search that’s used the most, go to your website and see where it appears. Then include this term in the content on your other pages, and re-publish.

Ask Google to Recrawl Your URLs.  Copy the “slug” URL (the address after the domain name), and paste it in to the Google Fetch and Render page.  (Do this on your mobile sites as well.)  Then re-publish again. Google will look at the page to make sure it meets its criteria.

Next, Ask Google to Recrawl and Reindex Your URL. Here, you’re asking Google to Index your page. Do this for your mobile page as well.   This will help you get more traffic to your site. Choose whether to crawl only a single URL, or a URL plus its direct links:

Finally, go back to the Google Home Page and key in the most popular query. This should send your page up higher in the rankings.

Don’t get discouraged.  It can take a few days for a successful request to be granted.

Need help with Google or your MSP Marketing? Email Ulistic at: or call me directly at: 716.799.1999   



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