MSP Marketing Strategy: Must Have Google Review Plugin

For a successful MSP marketing strategy, it’s key to promote your positive Google ratings. Now, you can do so right on your website — you just need this plugin.

MSP Marketing Strategy: Must-Have Google Review Plugin

Looking for ways to give your MSP marketing strategy a dose of instant credibility?

We’ve got an easy-to-install plugin that will do just that. Watch the video below or click here to view online.

Google, Facebook & Yelp Reviews - On Your MSP Website In Minutes

With the addition of this simple widget to your website, you will boost the visibility of your business’s success, increase your number of ratings and reviews, and help your business establish authority in the industry.

The Must-Have Widget for Your MSP Website

One of the best ways to establish authority in the MSP world is to proudly show your positive review ratings wherever you can. According to Google themselves, "Reviews on Google provide valuable information about your business to both you and your customers." Furthermore, they say, you should "encourage your customers to spread the word about your business" by asking them to leave reviews.

For potential customers and clients, it's been proven time and again that negative reviews are seen as warnings to stop dead in their tracks and go elsewhere with their business.

But if you’ve got positive reviews? That’s the green light for them, meaning you want to flaunt the good reviews if you’ve got 'em.

Nowhere is this easier to accomplish than with the Google Rating plugin.

What Is the Google Ratings Plugin?

The Google Rating plugin creates a small widget for your website that is tied directly to your Google business page. A small icon (rectangular box) will appear on your company website’s homepage, and here, inside the box, clients and other visitors to your site will be able to see your current Google business rating. They will also be able to click directly on the icon in order to leave their own review of your business.

Keep in mind this plugin is not just for Google ratings. You can also obtain a version of the widget that promotes your Facebook rating or a version that promotes your Yelp rating.

The plugin does come with an annual fee for the download and accompanying service. However, if you work with Ulistic to create your website, this feature comes included.

How to Get the Widget on Your Own

1. Go to Rich Plugins.

2. Click on the button that says “Business Reviews Bundle for WordPress” in the center of the screen.

3. Now, scroll to the bottom of the page where you can purchase the Business Plugin.

4. Once you make your purchase, you’ll receive two emails: One is a receipt for your purchase, and the other is your download link, including instructions for installation.

5. Once you’ve downloaded the plugin, it will be installed through your Wordpress Plugins. Simply go to your Wordpress administration page, and you’ll see a new admin component entitled “Reviews Bundle” on the left-hand side menu.

6. Click on the “Reviews Bundle” menu and navigate to “Collections” in the subsequent dropdown menu. Here, you’ll be able to alter how the ratings icon appears on the screen and carry out several other actions.

Under “Settings” in the same dropdown menu, you can switch between Google and other ratings (Yelp, for example), review your purchase license for the widget, and carry out additional advanced actions.

Improve Your MSP Marketing With Ulistic

Take your marketing to the next level with Ulistic. We will grade your present MSP site and consult with you on ways to improve your current strategies — everything from traditional marketing to all-digital approaches.

Additionally, if you’re just looking for some general guidance on your current strategy, you can receive personal marketing direction from an experienced CMO (chief marketing officer).

Simply go here and fill out the form to schedule a consultation with me. I would be happy to sit down with you for a 60-minute, over-the-phone consultation to discuss your options for better MSP marketing success.


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