Google Adwords Money Saving Tips For Managed Service Providers

Do you use Google AdWords for your marketing campaigns? Try this tip to save money on your Google Ads account while still driving traffic to your website.  

Google AdWords For Managed IT Service Providers

Do you use Google AdWords for your marketing campaigns? Try this tip to save money on your Google Ads account while still driving traffic to your website.  

Use This Tip to Save Money With Your Google AdWords Campaign

Welcome back! This week, ulistic has another unique MSP marketing tip you won't want to miss.

Our tip this week has to do with Google AdWords.

Google AdWords is Google’s online advertising program and is used widely by managed service providers (MSPs). If you are a managed service provider who has a Google Ads account, you've ideally reaped the benefits of this amazing platform.

The majority of businesses who are looking for managed IT services use Google as their search engine. Therefore, Google Ads is simply the best way to go when it comes to SEO and online marketing.

At the same time, Google AdWords can get expensive. In order to have your ads show up at the top of the promoted listings on a Google search, your bid needs to be high enough to legitimize its placement. Furthermore, every time your ad is clicked on, you have to pay.

Naturally, if you're getting a lot of traffic and conversions from these clinics, it's totally worth it. On the other hand, you don't want to be paying for useless clicks or for ads that are located in places where conversions are unlikely anyway.

This brings us to our tip: Disabling Google from including “search partners” for your Google Ad campaigns.

What Are Google Search Partners?

Whenever you create a Google Ad campaign using Google AdWords, your ads are going to appear in a network (or multiple networks). With Google AdWords, there are two different types of search networks:

  • Google search sites
  • Google search partners

Remember that by default, Google is going to have your ads appear on both networks.

Google search sites are websites created and operated by Google. When a user goes to and types in their chosen search word or search phrase, they're using a Google search site.

Google search partners, on the other hand, include a wide range of non-Google websites. These are simply partners of Google, but Google is not going to tell you exactly which sites they are, nor are they going to explain where on these sites your ads might appear.

Essentially, this means you are paying for … well, you really can’t be sure what you’re paying for or if it’s worth it.

The better option is to opt out of having your ads appear on Google search partners. Here's how to do it.

How to Disable Your Google Ads From Appearing on Google Search Partners

Disabling your Google ads from appearing on Google search partners is simply. According to the Google Ads Help site, this is what you should do:


  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. In the page menu, click Settings, then click the campaign you want to include or remove search partners to.
  3. Click Networks.
  4. Check the box next to "Include Google search partners" to enable ads from this campaign to appear on search partner websites, or uncheck it to disable this campaign’s ads from showing on search partner websites.
  5. Click Save.”

Keep in mind that this money-saving tip is not one that most MSPs know about. In fact, most marketing agencies don't even know about it!

Because Google search partners are included in your ads networks by default, most people don't understand that they're paying for them. By unclicking this option, you can save your ad campaign a large chunk of money while still retaining the effectiveness of Google AdWords.

Want more tips like this one? Grade your MSP website now at!


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