Good SEO For MSPs “If You Educate Them, They Will Come.”

Prospects today are turning to Google and Bing to get answers to their IT questions. Your audience wants to be better educated than in the past, and they’re going online to do this.  “Is G Suite better than Office 365?  Should I look at getting VoIP for my business?”  If your website contains this kind […]

Prospects today are turning to Google and Bing to get answers to their IT questions. Your audience wants to be better educated than in the past, and they’re going online to do this.  “Is G Suite better than Office 365?  Should I look at getting VoIP for my business?”  If your website contains this kind of educational information, you’ll get higher rankings on search engines.

However, here are two important points to remember:

  1. You must provide good quality content. Not just a sales piece for your IT services, but educational information that’s backed by facts. Remember, your prospects are better educated these days. If you do, and you offer them a vehicle like a form on your site to reach you, they’ll engage with you.
  2. Slow and steady wins the race. Keep good content up on your site and follow best practices for Google search. But, don’t push too much—Adding an article once a week is enough. If you do this, your rankings will increase naturally. Our clients who take this slow and steady approach do much better in the rankings than those who panic and force SEO tactics.

If you have the time to read on, here are a few more important tips for MSPs when it comes to SEO.

  • Stop obsessing about keywords.  Keyword tracking is a thing of the past. Focus more on search traffic, and analyze how much is coming your way.  Keywords will vary from location to location and computer to computer. Basic tracking is good—But keyword tracking is definitely a thing of the past.
  • Longer articles are better than short ones.  They should contain between 800 to 1,000 words for Google to take notice
  • Google Business is Key. How many reviews do you have on Google Business or Google Local? (Whatever they are calling it today.)  Go after reviews on a consistent basis.  Help your clients provide the feedback you’re looking for.
  • Leverage the Media. Go after and share stories with your local media. Work within these outlets so they’ll cover your stories. Share a local news story about 3 times a week.

Yes—This takes effort, time and commitment.  But if you want to grow your SEO rankings and your MSP business, it’s essential.

Ulistic can do the “heavy lifting” if you don’t have the time or talent. For more information or assistance, contact me (Stuart Crawford) at 855-964-2608 or


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