Free Tool Easily Extracts Video for Your Website

Learn why video content is so important to your MSP marketing strategy, the impact video has on visitors, and how to extract video from YouTube, Vimeo and others.  

Extract Video to Add Valuable Content to Your MSP Website

Learn why video content is so important to your MSP marketing strategy, the impact video has on visitors, and how to extract video from YouTube, Vimeo and others.

Video content is a great way to enhance your MSP website. It adds a different element to the page and is an effective way to share great information.

The challenge, however, is finding a way to extract that content from video sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo. Below are some of the reasons you need video content and how to do so.

Why Is Video Content Important?

There's a reason that YouTube has become the second-largest search engine. Video is becoming a powerful way to share information.

"Your brand is not a stagnant strategy on a piece of paper — you must bring it to life," notes a recent Forbes article. "Video does what text doesn't. It creates an immediate, real and authentic route of interaction and connectivity with audience members."

Here are some of the major benefits of video marketing:

  • Fast Delivery. Video messaging is an excellent way to get your message across in an easily digestible format that can complement your written content
  • Return on Investment. According to The State of Video Marketing 2019 report released recently, 83 percent of marketers report a strong ROI for video marketing. Other findings include:
    • 87 percent of businesses now use video as part of their marketing strategy, up dramatically from 63 percent in 2017 and 81 percent in 2018.
    • 94 percent say video has helped increase user understanding of products and services
    • 91 percent consider video and important part of their marketing strategy (an increase from 82 percent in 2017 and 85 percent in 2018)
    • 84 percent report increased website traffic
    • 81 percent cite increased lead generation
    • 80 percent report increased time on the site
  • Establishing Trust. Video content helps build trust, especially if the video features you or one of your employees sharing expertise and insights. Video can engage people in a very different way, giving them a clearer sense of you are and what your MSP business stands for.
  • Better Search Rankings. While Google will not reveal the algorithms it uses to rank sites in search results. According to one report, you are 53 times more likely to appear on the front page of Google search results if there's video embedded in your site.
  • Complementary Marketing. With video embedded in emails and in strategic areas of your website, you can create a multimedia approach to content delivery.
  • Social Friendly. Video, like other marketing content, can be repurposed and used across channels. Video is a friendly format for many social media platforms, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.

How Do You Scrape Video Content?

There's a great online tool that's easy to use and grabs video from sites that you can embed easily. The site, Online Video Converteris intuitive and free. There are several options available:

  • Convert a video link
  • Convert a video file
  • Record a video

Extracting video from a website is simple. On YouTube, for example, right-click on the video itself and select "Copy the Video URL." Go to Online Video Converter and click on the Convert a Video Link choice.

Paste the link and choose the format you want for your file (mp4 is usually a good choice). In no time, your video will be available to download from the site to your computer and then upload to your site, your own YouTube channel.

Video is a powerful component of your MSP marketing strategy. At Ulistic, we help MSPs gain more visits and leads, better search results and optimized websites.


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