Your Email Marketing Strategies Are Getting Ready to Be Flushed Down the Toilet.

At one time, I was the biggest fan of Infusionsoft. I still believe they’re the best email marketing solution for Managed IT Services companies who are looking to move into the world of email marketing. However, what I’m about to say shouldn’t be misinterpreted.  Email marketing, like telemarketing, isn’t dead.  It’s very much alive when […]

At one time, I was the biggest fan of Infusionsoft. I still believe they’re the best email marketing solution for Managed IT Services companies who are looking to move into the world of email marketing.

However, what I’m about to say shouldn’t be misinterpreted.  Email marketing, like telemarketing, isn’t dead.  It’s very much alive when blended properly into your entire marketing strategy.  Yet, as a stand-alone marketing solution, all I can say is, “Don’t waste your time and money.”

This may be a bit harsh, but it’s true. MSPs who put all their eggs into this basket won’t get results.  This lone goose won’t lay the “golden eggs” for you.  However, if done properly, the average ROI from an email marketing campaign is $38 for every $1 invested. For example: A client of ours in Orlando got a $12,000 office upgrade project from the very first email marketing campaign we ran.

But, here’s what’s really interesting. 56% of all emails are opened on mobile devices. (I knew this, because I continually research MSP marketing.) But, many of you probably still rely on HTML-based newsletter templates that don’t convert properly for those reading on their mobile devices. You try to stuff thousands of words into an email that people simply don’t have the time or patience to read.  Gino Wickman in Traction has some great advice.  They say: LESS IS MORE.

The Take Away

Keep your emails short and to the point.  You’ll get more results.

And click throughs are history. Unique click-through stats have dropped every year since 2010.  They average of 2% per email. Why? I’ll tell you. We’re training our clients to not open email with attachments and links—However, we’re still sending them!

The answer: Offer advice and don’t try to sell everything in an email.  Remember, 99.4% of the people on your list don’t like IT and don’t care about backup, security and the other things you’re selling.  They only care about what do 8 hours a day.

Want Your Email Marketing to Produce Results?

Here’s a basic tip I learned in 2001.  Keep your emails targeted at the industry or interest group.  For example—Are you working within the Oil and Gas sector?  Don’t send info about business continuity to them. They don’t care about this—trust me. Your business continuity email, although important, ends up in their spam box.

Want traction in the energy sector? Send an email to the Oil and Gas operations people about how they can get field-data capture information from the wellsite to the head office.

This also works for law firms, healthcare, accountants and everyone else.  Give them information that will help them in their specific day-to-day operations—Not some mass-produced promotion you got from a vendor. Or even worse, the peer group member who has equally horrible marketing results. This is the worst thing you can do.

What works?

Put your trust in me—Stuart Crawford, your MSP Marketing Coach.  I’ve been marketing MSP businesses since 2010 with Ulistic but 2001 when I was a partner with IT Matters.  I know what works, and what doesn’t

Interested?  I won’t even going charge you— At least not yet. Just call me directly at 716.799.1999 x101, or drop me an email at   We’ll chat. No strings attached. Besides, 85% of you won’t qualify as a client. Why?  Because we can identify those who really want to succeed and do the hard work, and those who don’t.

If you’re in the 15% of those who want to succeed, contact me at: 716.799.1999 or


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