Need A Solid Solution To Build Your Email Marketing Lists?

Discover how Snovio helps managed services providers find, verify and leverage email contact information for employees at prospective client companies

Managed services providers are always looking for new solutions that can accelerate marketing efforts. One of the biggest challenges is finding email addresses for outreach to prospective clients.

We recently discovered a tool, Snovio, that helps find email addresses and allows for easy exporting of key information for your marketing strategy. It's an inexpensive way for MSPs to take their prospecting to the next level.

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How Does Snovio Work?

Snovio offers multiple tools to find and validate email addresses, track emails and deploy email drip campaigns.

Using the email domain search tool is very simple. Enter in a domain and you'll receive a list of all email addresses found within it in seconds. This information can be added to lists and exported. For example, if you're searching in Google for engineering firms in Boston, enter in the domains of those firms you find and create a massive list of emails, names and titles.

With a few additional clicks, you can pull up a connected LinkedIn account profile for any found email address and see additional contacts associated with the person's account.

If you prefer to use the available Chrome browser plug-in, the email collection is even easier. Once on a website, click on the Snovio extension and save the resulting emails to a list.

How Is Snovio Priced?

There's a limited free option that lets you explore the tool. From there, users can purchase monthly or annual plans that provide full access to all Snovio products.

Each pricing level provides users with a monthly allocation of email drip campaign recipients, bulk and single-domain searches, verified social media emails, email address validations and CSV exports.

Build A Solid EMail List

How Do the Other Email Services Work?

For email validation, Snovio lets users update a complete list of emails and get real-time results. Accurate emails help keep prospecting lists clean, reduce bounce rates, and keep email distribution account from being flagged or suspended.

Drip campaigns allow users to build customized email sequences with automated follow-up campaigns that can be created in advance. Select the triggers, build in subject and body variable text, track email open and click-through rates, and receive detailed campaign reports. Emails can be sent while browsing a prospect's website or in bulk.

The email tracker feature lets users know which leads open your emails and click through to links. Receive real-time desktop push notifications and use the history feature to see a complete listing of which emails lead to conversions and which are ignored. Over time, the tracker lets users build more effective campaigns.

Finally, the technology checker offers insights on which technologies prospects are using for common business functions including accounting, document management, e-commerce, database management, programming languages, operating systems and many more.

Ideally, organizations should be using opt-in approaches to finding emails. However, services like Snovio can augment inbound marketing and help build useful lists of company contacts and prospects.


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