Email Marketing
What You Need to Know.

Stuart and Sarah share some “pearls of wisdom” about email marketing.  When done properly and consistently, email marketing is very effective. If you’re not sending at least one marketing email a week, you won’t get the results you’re looking for. Provide something in your emails that your recipients will value.  Otherwise, you’re simply sending spam. […]

Stuart and Sarah share some “pearls of wisdom” about email marketing.  When done properly and consistently, email marketing is very effective.

If you’re not sending at least one marketing email a week, you won’t get the results you’re looking for.

Provide something in your emails that your recipients will value.  Otherwise, you’re simply sending spam. Send them a free eBook, invite them to a webinar.  Or send a checklist.  For example: “Do these 10 things to prevent a ransomware attack.”

What platform should you use to manage your email marketing?

You have your choice of platforms to use, but we recommend Infusionsoft.  It helps you stay consistent with your email marketing. It automates everything.  It makes email marketing easy.

It also provides information on how many people open and click through your emails. (Note: Your click-through rate is what’s important.  Not just the open rate.) It scores interactions from your recipients so you can tell your sales people when to contact them. Call us at Ulistic—We’ll tell you how to use Infusionsoft and get you a good deal on it.

Use this link to sign up for a demo with me, use this will save big bucks.

How to get people to open and click through your emails.

Compelling Subject Lines

30% of emails get marked as spam because of the wording in the subject line.

Your subject line must be strong, with no spelling or grammatical errors, and with an honest message.  No gimmicks, no “sleazy” wording.  Google “Email Spam Trigger Words” and you’ll realize what we mean.   Here’s a tool you can use to test your subject lines:

Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer

Perceived Trust

If you’ve already developed trust with your email recipients, they’re more likely to open your emails.  As we always recommend, build trust.  Engage with your prospects and leads.  Don’t make it about selling.  Help them get to know who you are. If they believe they will gain something from opening your email, they’ll open it.

Target Your Emails—But First Do Your Research

You must understand the industry you’re marketing to—What’s important to them and what their pain points are when it comes to IT.  Use target marketing to draw them in when writing your email subject lines and content.  Offer them tips to help them with the challenges they face with technology. For example, healthcare companies must now report if they’ve been hit with a ransomware attack.  Include a checklist for them to help them avoid being victimized by ransomware, and a guide for training their staff so they don’t open malicious emails. Explain what will happen to their business if they get hit by ransomware.

Find out what people need when it comes to IT.  Use Social Media (SM).

Use this information in your emails and subject lines to get results. Offer solutions for their problems.

  • Reddit is a good source for doing research. We use it ourselves.  These forums are very informative way to find out what people care about.
  • Send out forms on your website for feedback to find out what clients and prospects need when it comes to IT.
  • Use Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to survey what people worry about. Note: More people use Facebook than other SM platforms. Not necessarily for business, but to connect with others.  Connect with them via groups.  Veteran-Owned Businesses, Local Physician Associations, etc.

Targeted Email Campaigns

Run campaigns on subjects that will help your people run their business better, e.g. “Office 365—How to Better Your Business.”  Or, “How Technology Helps You Decrease Costs.”

Include a Call to Action.

Believe it or not, you must give your readers an action item (contact you, sign up for something, etc.)  And make it easy for them.  Provide a link they can just click.

Follow Through.

Make sure you follow up with people who open your emails.  They’re too busy to come to you in most cases.  Go to them.

Need valuable information to include in your emails and marketing campaigns?  Sign up for Ulistic’s Marketing in the Box for only $297 a month, and for $497 a month if we also develop your website.

What’s included: 

  • eNewsletter
  • Print Newsletter
  • eBook
  • Social Media Banners
  • Social Media email blasts
  • Email campaigns
  • Landing-Page Text
  • Sales Letters
  • Postcards
  • A Marketing Calendar to keep track of your campaigns.
  • And more!

Contact Ulistic, and we’ll tell you more.


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