Electronics Recycling Association Helps Canadian MSPs

How can Canadian MSPs partner with the ERA? Check out this video with Stuart Crawford and Andrew Wesolowski.

How The ERA Helps Canadian MSPs With Electronics Recycling

We are living in an era where we are surrounded by electronics. Name an electronic device you are interested in, and you will likely find it. From laptops to desktops, printers to routers, etc., devices have become entangled in our lives. For many people, life is incomplete without electronic devices. While devices can certainly make our lives easier, getting rid of the devices continues to contribute to the electronic waste problem in the world.

Check out the Electronics Recycling Association

A significant number of what is labeled as electronic waste or "e-waste" is really not waste at all, but whole electronic equipment or electronic parts that are can be reused or recycled. Unfortunately, over 10% of electronic waste is recycled. The portion of electronic waste that is not recycled either makes its way into a landfill or is placed in an incinerator or illegally traded. When electronics are not properly handled during disposal, the chemicals that make up the electronic waste negatively impact our air, water, and soil.

As the amount of electronic waste across the globe continues to grow, secure electronics recycle and electronics disposal is more important than it has ever been. Waste from electronic devices is one of the fastest-growing streams of waste around the globe. An MSP's contribution may include the following:

  • Desktop computers, laptops, servers
  • Mobile devices, including smartphones
  • Printers and routers

By design, many devices no longer have the long lifespan of devices in the past. MSPs and other organizations must remain compliant with environmental regulations and several other laws that govern the proper disposal of equipment and the sensitive data that remain within the equipment. Meeting sustainability goals remains a top objective amongst the majority of IT directors. Recycling equipment can help MSPs meet this goal while giving someone else a chance to enjoy the value of the equipment.

Recycling: Reviving Equipment

While it may be discouraging to learn about the low recycling numbers and the damage that is being done to the planet, there are some organizations that are doing something to address the problem. One of those organizations in Canada is the Electronic Recycling Association. The ERA is a non-profit organization that is designed to offer simple and effective solutions to help organizations manage their waste.

Regardless of an MSP's size, there needs to be a clear and defined process and secure procedures in place that will allow for the proper disposal of electronics. Fines, penalties, a damaged reputation, and the unintentional disclosure of sensitive information can all be consequences of the improper disposal of electronic equipment. The services provided by the ERA will enable an MSP to securely dispose of equipment in an environmentally responsible manner through an organization that is certified.

Recycling the waste from electronics will save space in the landfills, and ultimately prevent pollution caused by chemicals and toxins. Recycling can potentially reduce the need for landfills.

How Does ERA Work?

Safe disposal of electronic waste includes a variety of processes including pickup, inventory management, data destruction, certification, recycling. ERA has a smooth & streamlined service that ensures convenience and a positive experience.

  • Contact ERA to request a pickup or to bring your equipment to the location
  • Perform an assessment of your equipment
  • Clear data from the electronic equipment

How can your MSP help? Your MSP can help by donating working items and partnering with ERA. There is always a need by the ERA for functioning computers, laptops, and mobile devices. The ERA also accepts office-related equipment, both working and non-working, as they can recycle or refurbish equipment.

Lending Laptop Program

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a painful experience for many individuals and organizations across the globe. With organizations closing their doors and sending employees home to work, there was a growing need for computers and other electronic equipment. Despite a decrease in the amount of inventory from organizations, ERA continued to work diligently to fulfill requests for equipment.

Electronics Recycling Association's Director of Operations, Andrew Wesolowski talked about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on households and individuals and how the pandemic brought life to ERA's new donation program.

In order to fulfill the needs of individuals struggling due to the COVID-19 pandemic to study and work from home, ERA created a support program named the Lending Laptop Program. The Lending Laptop program was created to provide services which that include donating laptops to those who were unable to afford one.

The ERA continues to encourage as many businesses and organizations as possible to send their unwanted or used electronic devices to the nearest ERA dropoff location. More donations will help their organization thrive and hopefully help individuals who are in need at this time.

Partnering with ERA

Over the years, the work performed by the ERA continues to inspire partnerships across Canada. ERA has partnered with various businesses and organizations that collect electronics on the behalf of the ERA. There are numerous businesses and organizations that truly believe in what ERA is doing and want to contribute.

The partnerships formed by the ERA are not only set out to put an end to electronic waste but also raise awareness about its services and what it is doing to improve communities across Canada. The ERA continues to form valuable partnerships across Canada with businesses, organizations, and charitable groups that also want to expand their reach eliminate as much electronic waste as possible. The ERA is on a mission to partner with as many groups as possible to drive change toward electronic reuse within the recycling industry.

While many things have changed over the years, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the Electronics Recycling Association continues to provide certified electronics recycling that your business can trust. The ERA is certified to handle sensitive data and destroy data that is still on devices. The ERA can also provide a Certificate of Destruction upon completion. The Electronics Recycling Association wants to have a positive impact on communities and the environment through electronics recycling.

In spite of the pandemic, ERA remains open and they continue to serve communities. If you would like more information on how your MSP can partner with the ERA, contact us today.


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