How to Effectively Use LinkedIn to Generate Demand for Your Brand and Drive Enormous Traffic to Your Website

Without question, LinkedIn is a powerful tool. Many MSPs neglect to maximize its potential for marketing success. There is far more to LinkedIn than just connecting with some users and joining a few conversations. As LinkedIn continues to evolve, an increasing number of valuable features are being made available to users. One such notable feature […]

Without question, LinkedIn is a powerful tool.

Many MSPs neglect to maximize its potential for marketing success.

There is far more to LinkedIn than just connecting with some users and joining a few conversations. As LinkedIn continues to evolve, an increasing number of valuable features are being made available to users. One such notable feature is the option to “Publish a post.” If you are an active LinkedIn user, you’ve probably already noticed this feature, but still haven’t quite figured out how to use it to your benefit.

In essence, actively publishing posts is an extremely effective way to achieve more followers. This is because the more relevant information you publish, the greater the likelihood that other LinkedIn users will want to gain access to this information. In order to avoid spamming your followers, however, limit your posts to no more than three times per week.

So how does publishing a post actually work? Here are some simple steps and tips to help you make the most effective use of this feature:

  1. Click on “Publish a post.”
  2. Create a title.
  3. Write or copy and paste the desired text into the text box.
  4. Polish and format your post to make it more appealing and engaging.
  • Add a photo and a header above the photo containing keywords about the article.
  • Throughout the article, hyperlink a few words back to relevant pages on your website. Choosing a few quality keywords, such as IT security and risks makes your hyperlinks appear more natural, which is far more valuable.
  • Include a call-to-action and email address so that people can connect with you.
  • Embed a video.
    1. To do this, locate the desired video and copy the embed code. Next, click on the area of the post where you want the video to be embedded. Then, find the embed icon (looks like a play button) located on the far right of the gray toolbar above the text box. Paste the code into the small window. Your video should appear.
  1. Select “Publish” near the top right of the page.
  2. Enter tags like “network security” and “cyber-security” to help people find your post.
  3. Click “Publish post.”
  4. Your post will appear on LinkedIn News Feed.

Once your post is published, you can go back and edit it. Worried about not having enough time or content to post? If you are signed up for any level of service with Ulistic, we will take care of the burden of posting for you. This means that we’ll write all of your posts and publish them two to three times per week. Still not convinced that you want to take advantage of this new feature? One client of Ulistic, Eric Taylor, has already experienced considerable success from consistent posting. Most of the leads his business now receives originate directly from his posts.

In particular, posts related to case studies, press releases, webinar reviews, and other relevant information work to generate more traffic toward your LinkedIn page and company website. Through these posts, you will begin to receive notifications and questions from people who are not even members of your network. In this way, publishing posts helps to get your message across to people with whom you weren’t previously connected, thereby creating more publicity and ultimately more demand for your brand.

Ulistic can help you effectively use LinkedIn for maximum marketing success, give us a call at 716.799.1999 or send an email to


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