Ulistic Globally Empowers Managed Service Providers With Sophisticated & Effective Marketing Techniques

Ulistic has excelled in providing exceptional MSP marketing plans - managed service providers across the globe trust in Ulistic to provide unrivaled, sophisticated marketing services. Dedicating their expertise exclusively to managed service providers, Ulistic has gained an exceptionally strong understanding of what these MSPs want in terms of lead generation, marketing, and sales; along with […]

Ulistic has excelled in providing exceptional MSP marketing plans - managed service providers across the globe trust in Ulistic to provide unrivaled, sophisticated marketing services.

Dedicating their expertise exclusively to managed service providers, Ulistic has gained an exceptionally strong understanding of what these MSPs want in terms of lead generation, marketing, and sales; along with this, Ulistic holds a firm grasp of what's going on in the market place.

CEO & Creative Director of Ulistic, Stuart Crawford, comments: “We know with the utmost certainty: everyone wants more leads, everyone wants more business opportunities - everyone wants more business.”

What Ulistic had found when talking to managed service providers, however, was that most of them weren’t putting in any effort to actually reach new business:

  • 1 in every 100 MSPs have an aggressive marketing strategy they fully execute on. There is obvious a disconnect here - everyone wants new leads, but only 1% have a strategy and execute it in order to get them.
  • 43% of MSP marketing professionals understand how to spread their marketing across all available channels. Successful companies spread their marketing across multiple channels to reach all opportunities.
  • 4% of MSP companies fully leverage local media resources.
  • 5% of MSP companies have not received a qualified lead today, and only 4% received a qualified lead from their marketing within the past 30 days.

The numbers don’t look so good here… But Ulistic has a plan that does.

Successful MSPs who grow their business year after year invest serious amounts of money and serious amounts of time into their marketing efforts. That’s where Ulistic comes in - companies today just don’t have the time to spend cooking up a good marketing plan; let alone executing it.

Think of Ulistic as a MSP marketing chef. With gourmet recipes, fresh ingredients, and the expertise to handle the heat in the kitchen, clients are sure to like the taste.

With everyone getting a hefty portion of the media to chew on daily, Ulistic has decided to share a recipe. “Using the media and PR is actually very easy to do - you just need to know what you need to do. “ comments Crawford, noting that although easy, commitment is crucial to this marketing recipe.

The goal for Ulistic is to give MSPs the resources to start running a media campaign tomorrow morning and getting their MSP in front of the media if they wanted. “Are you going to have results tomorrow? Probably not.” says Crawford - This is where the commitment comes in.

Getting Started:

  • Someone needs to champion your media efforts.
  • Accept that this is a daily marketing activity.
  • You need to have a keen eye for what matters.
  • You need to pitch your ideas.
  • Doing it once is not enough.

What Matters to the Media?

If done correctly, hitting a local or target market with minimal financial investment is more than a possibility.

What matters to the media is what is going to sell more newspapers, what will cause discussion, and what will make viewers tune into their tv channel or radio show. If something has an impact on their audience, they can have the impact to make you a market leader.

What Can You Pitch?

Security issues, how to protect businesses and home users, technology challenges facing your clients, latest technology releases (Windows 10, iOS) - there are a ton of topics that apply to the public! You don't have to have all of the answers, just pitch the idea if it’s good.

Looking at the Windows 10 pitch, for example - how many of you contacted the media when windows 10 was released?  This was the perfect opportunity to share knowledge and connect with new audiences.

Using local names when pitching ideas to the media, as well as keeping in mind that most people receive their news at home, can help immensely when it comes to getting a story picked up by the media.

Along with this, a daily routine for optimized media attention may sound a little extreme, but so are the benefits. Starting your day early is the most crucial aspect here. Before 8am, send your daily pitch email (great examples provided via It is imperative that this happens early due to the fact that journalists usually hold their daily meetings early - if it’s possible to get an idea to them before they start, there is a way better chance of it being brought to the table. Early is enough to discourage most people, but along with this the media works fast. Always be available when the media calls.

10 Tips to Help This Recipe Work:

  1. Choose the right target.
  2. Review the journalists’ prior work and address it to them directly. No form letters here, you want it to be personal.
  3. Pitch a story, not your company.
  4. Be respectful of the reporter’s right to say no.
  5. Get straight to the point.
  6. Be honest and transparent about your interest to meet the reporter.
  7. If you can’t reach the reporter, avoid the temptation to call over and over.
  8. Understand the power of Twitter.
  9. Review - there are journalists here looking for resources to help them on their articles.
  10. Have a milestone to celebrate! Business media always wants to hear success stories, major milestones are newsworthy.

If This Isn’t The Recipe For You, Create Your Own Media:

  1. Numerous blogs outside of your main website.
  2. Leverage social media.
  3. Focus on verticals.
  4. Focus on your local market.
  5. Focus on technologies.
  6. Volunteer knowledge.

Achieving Stratospheric Success is a Simple Click Away

Anybody can market their business, just like anybody can cook. However, when you want to avoid a serious mess and achieve a taste that moves the tastebuds, you go to a professional.

Ulistic offers VIP services that include PR and Media services to help avoid the messes and tasteless content. Ulistic works with you to send out media and PR pitches, maximize your online presence, help you get in front of new audiences, and most importantly of all, help you win new business.

Crawford beams, “We work with companies already all over the United States, and Canada, into Australia. . . We have a number of years of experience doing this and we love to help managed service providers.”

Don’t waste your time with others who have never walked a mile in your shoes. We work exclusively with managed service providers - We have a good understanding of what you want to achieve, and we have a great plan to make it happen. Give Ulistic a call, drop us an email, or visit our website to learn how we can help you develop an MSP marketing plan that works for you.

 716.799.1999 | |


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