Don't Stop Marketing Just Because We're In A Pandemic

Don’t stop marketing just because we’re in a pandemic. In any economic crisis, the immediate reaction is for businesses to pause their marketing campaigns until things return to normal.

Don't Stop Marketing

It’s rough out there in the marketing space with a 33% dive in digital advertising. However, don’t stop marketing just because we’re in a pandemic. In any economic crisis, the immediate reaction is for businesses to pause their marketing campaigns until things return to normal. With your competitors likely putting a hold on their marketing spend, the time is ripe to tap into their customer base with targeted marketing campaigns.

Digital Attention is High

The good news is audiences are highly engaged in the media right now. Many businesses have been forced to close their doors to contain the spread of the coronavirus. With more people being forced to work remotely from their homes, this means digital attention is at an all-time high. Because people can’t go out, they are turning to social media much more than normal. This is the perfect opportunity to increase your marketing presence because the amount of available impressions is rapidly on the rise.

Consumer Behavior Has Changed

People across all generations have turned to entertainment to cope with the free time they might have spent outside their homes. According to a Global Web Index report, Baby Boomers are watching more television (up 45 percent) and have increased their online video viewing by 21 percent. Generation X is not far off as they are watching 45 percent more television and 35 percent more digital video. Millennials and Gen Z have both increased their consumption on these mediums, however, they are leaning hard into gaming, with a more than 30 percent uptick. People are even increasing their subscriptions to print magazines. As an MSP, you are presented with a truly captive audience across a range of marketing channels.

Start With the Right Marketing Messages For These Complex Times

More than 35 percent of advertisers are adjusting their in-market tactics and are increasing audience targeting by 38 percent. People are keen to do business with an MSP that cares about their employees and their customers. It’s important to manage your marketing messages sensitively during this global pandemic. Light-hearted and uplifting messages will resonate with your customers as well as educational and informative messages. Carefully consider your customers and the context of your message as well as your placement.

  • Be Authentic. No one knows your customers better than you.
  • Create positive messages that reinforce hope and community.
  • Be sensitive, empathetic and compassionate.

Brand Awareness

In a time when your competitors are holding back on their marketing efforts due to uncertainty, keeping in touch with your customer base is vital to the longevity of your relationship. This is the best time to raise brand awareness. Because there is a lot a fear and anxiety related to COVID-19, reinforcing positives messages in an authentic and genuine manner will enhance your brand. You can use your brands personality and tone of voice to address their concerns to keep your brand top of mind post-COVID-19. Your customers need to know you are there for them more than ever. Some MSPs are shifting their focus from selling their services to how they can help their employees, clients and the greater community get through this pandemic.

  • Use your marketing messages to reinforce social distancing.
  • Ask for input on what your customers want to see from you.
  • Try different content and ask your customers what they liked the best.

If your marketing campaign during this pandemic focuses only on sales, you risk coming across as being insensitive which could alienate your customer base. Now is the perfect time to build your audience and connect with them on a deeper level. During a pandemic where people are worried about their jobs, staying in businesses, and the health and wellbeing of their employees and families, be careful with email campaigns you shouldn’t send that will come across as insensitive.

We are all in this together - the objective with your marketing efforts during this pandemic is to gain trust today and win business tomorrow. If you are unsure if your marketing messages are resonating with your customers, give us a call at Ulistic on {phone}, we are here to help you succeed with your customers.


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