Don’t Put Vendor Logos on Your MSP Website.

Your Are Marketing Your MSP Not The Vendors' Business Putting the "I" back in IT  Why do so many managed services providers litter their marketing website with a bunch of vendor logos? This question has puzzled me since I ran my Calgary IT service business in the 2000’s. After all, you don’t see the restaurant […]

Your Are Marketing Your MSP Not The Vendors' Business

Putting the "I" back in IT 

Why do so many managed services providers litter their marketing website with a bunch of vendor logos?

This question has puzzled me since I ran my Calgary IT service business in the 2000’s. After all, you don’t see the restaurant down the street putting their cheese provider logo on their website, or the construction company bragging that they only work with a specific brand of hammers.

Even worse, is when MSPs put their RMM and PSA vendor logos on their website.  Why? Is there a sense of accomplishment knowing they have all these partnerships with vendors who may or may not be known outside of the managed services industry?

This practice continues to puzzle me and, yes, sometimes, I cave and let an MSP have their way and “litter” their website with a bunch of meaningless logosYes, meaningless.

Do you remember who your audience is? Why would they care?  If you can’t answer this with a solid business answer, then resist the temptation to litter your MSP marketing website with vendor logos. 

Why would your prospects or clients care that you have a relationship with Easy Office Phone or Roaring Penguin?  Does it make a difference to them, or would a particular anti-spam solution or hosted VoIP service make them “jump up for joy?”  No. They’ll “jump for joy” when you provide the exceptional IT services they need! 

The Only Time Logos Do Matter is when you’re marketing to a technical manager or IT professional of a larger firm; showing that you have a certification with Cisco or Microsoft is something to showcase.

Remember:  Your vendor relationships always need to steer back to the benefit they provide to your prospect or client. These “shields of honor” should mean something to them. If they don’t, delete them from your website.

Here’s something that you could do instead.  Join some industry associations and promote your membership with them.  Now, that would actually mean something to your law firm prospects, if you happen to be an associate member of the local bar association (etc.).

“Just saying folks.”  Your marketing is about you and what you can do for your clients/prospects. Stop wasting your precious time and web real estate with other people’s stuff.  Own your web and marketing presence.  Put the "I" back in IT!


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