Why Do These Managed Service Companies Love Datto?

Managed IT companies need an efficient solution for data recovery for their clients. Datto Partner Marketing backs up data and helps with efficient recovery.

Building up your managed IT service or company requires the right team of professionals to assist with your goals. Datto Partner Marketing provides the assistance you need for long-term growth. By understanding the benefits of the services provided by Datto Partner Marketing, you will determine if your company can benefit from Datto services.

Check out our interview with three great managed service providers and their experience with Datto.


Backing Up Your Data

Data management plays an essential role in an IT company. When you work in technology, you need to keep your data safe and up-to-date. Datto backs up your data and makes it easy to recover the information when you need to pull up a backup.

Backing up your data from multiple sources like your Microsoft Office documents, Google Drive or other tools ensures that you will not lose vital information for your business. Datto makes the process of backing up your data simple and user-friendly. That allows you to limit risks from viruses or accidental mistakes that result in deleting files you still need by keeping a backup of your updated data. It saves your time and allows you to focus on building your business.

Simple Pricing

Pricing is a key part of any business. When you have a complicated pricing model, it bogs down your business and limits your flexibility. Datto Partner Marketing recognizes the value of simple price models. By working with Datto, you are able to set up a simple price model that appeals to your customers and your business partners.

You will not waste your time trying to work out a price model that fits with each unique client. Datto allows you to set up a simple price model that saves your time and helps you appeal to your customers. It streamlines your price model so that you have a clear guideline for how your company charges customers for your IT services.

Friendly and Knowledgeable Support

Datto's support staff are friendly and knowledgeable about the Datto products. They help with troubleshooting or any issues that may arise in a timely manner and you do not waste your time waiting for assistance.

Since Datto is based in the United States, you get help when it fits your schedule. It is not necessary to wait for hours to reach out for assistance. The staff follows the same hours as your business, so you can reach out as soon as a problem develops. The support staff at Datto recognize that you may have questions about the products your company uses for your clients. The quick response and call-backs set the client support at Datto apart from other companies.

Datto offers excellent customer service to those who work with their products. That customer support and assistance reduces the time you waste trying to recover data or backup your data. It gives you peace of mind that your customer's data is safe and that you can easily recover any data loss that may arise.

Attentive Staff

A key advantage of working with Datto Partner Marketing is their attention to detail and their attentive staff. When businesses work with Datto, the staff listens to the concerns they outline and focuses on addressing the underlying problems.

Attentive staff plays an essential role in developing a realistic strategy for data recovery. Since Datto focuses on excellent customer service, they recognize the value of attentive staff. A managed IT company is able to outline their current concerns and problems before selecting the right products and services to address their concerns. The attention to detail allows Datto to recommend the right products for the specific needs of the IT company. That saves time when configuring and setting up a solution for data recovery.

Fast Recovery of Data

When a managed IT company works with their customers, they recognize the importance of efficient data recovery solutions. A slow recovery time means a customer loses money when a disaster wipes information or data they need for their business. A key advantage of Datto Partner Marketing is the efficiency of the data recovery solutions.

Datto does not waste time on recovery. The products focus on efficiency and accuracy during data recovery. By working with Datto, a managed IT company is able to provide their customers with proper backup support that brings up the information at a fast pace. It is more than the basic backup of data. It is a backup solution with efficient data recovery in the event of a complete disaster and loss of a company's data.

Virtual Environments to Rebuild a Server

Datto's virtual environment for data recovery saves time and money for the clients of a managed IT company. The virtual backup means a client can get back to work after an hour without bringing support staff from the IT company into their business. The managed IT company can restore data from a set date at a remote location and the virtual environment is available to the customer within an hour of starting the restore.

That efficiency means a small business can get back to their own customers or services without waiting to set up or rebuild a new server. It gives a business a few weeks to a month to rebuild a server with updated systems. Business owners and managed IT companies have peace of mind that it will not take hours or days to restore data and they will not need to restore the information to a worn out or faulty server.

Regular Updates of Data Backups

A key aspect of Datto that stands out for a managed IT company is the regular updates or screenshots of a working data backup. The managed IT company receives an email with a screenshot each day to show the backup of a client's data. That gives the managed IT company the ability to catch problems early and address any concerns that arise before it causes complications during data recovery.

The cloud backups and the virtual environment allow a managed IT company to focus on other services for their customers. The regular updates ensure that the professionals are able to focus on their services instead of consistently checking on the backups.

The reason managed service providers love Datto is the combination of simplicity and efficiency. Datto offers excellent customer support and an efficient recovery solution from backed-up data. It saves time in the event of a disaster that wipes a customer's data from a server while also providing peace of mind that a customer will not lose money by wasting hours of time waiting for the backup to restore their data.


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