What Are The Top Cybersecurity Services Sold By MSPs?

What are the top cybersecurity services sold by MSPs today? Read this article to see what some of the top MSPs are offering to clients.

Top Cybersecurity Services Sold By MSPs

There is a rising demand for cybersecurity solutions, especially as the number of cyber threats and cyberattacks continues to increase. Offering cyber security solutions is one of the fastest and easiest ways for MSPs to attract new clients and/or increase revenue with current clients. Between the breaking news headlines from various sources warning the public of the variety of serious cyberattacks taking place in various industries. As a result of the COVID-19 work-from-home transition and the increasing number of government regulations regarding data privacy, MSPs have an incredible opportunity.

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Due to the rising demand for cybersecurity services, we turned to the MSP community to find out what are the top cybersecurity services being sold bt MSPs. We wanted to know more about some of the challenges that are faced when it comes to selling cybersecurity services, in addition to learning more about the type of services and why they are part of their service offerings.

For MSPs, selling new and existing clients the top cybersecurity services is more than just a solid opportunity to increase your bottom line, it is about grabbing on to the responsibility of ensuring clients are properly protected against cyber threats. As an MSP, if you are not selling one of the top cybersecurity services, there is a chance that another MSP already is.

The majority of MSPs offer cybersecurity services, but there are still some MSPs that do not offer any type of cybersecurity service. There are several types of cybersecurity services that are part of the managed services package they sign up for. When you look at the top cybersecurity services that are being sold by MSPs and IT providers, it will be easier to determine what packages are worth it and it will be easier to determine how additional services can be added to make the package more efficient and effective.

MSPs On Reddit Share Their Intelligence

An online forum conversation that involved security-focused MSPs discussed the cybersecurity services that offer current and existing clients. Here is a glimpse of what those in the MSP community have to say about the cybersecurity services they offer:

''We bundle ID Agent, Spanning, Passly & 365 Business Premium with all of our packages, among other things. That gets us a password manager, 365 backup, MFA, dark web monitoring, and end-user phishing training pretty inexpensively and fully integrated with our RMM (VSA).'' - Online Forum User and Managed Services Provider

''EDR, Mail Filtering/SPAM services, Firewall-As-A-Service, just to name a few. EDR and Mail filtering options are priced per seat. Your vendor-provided pricing plus whatever your markup is. FaaS is hardware / licensing pricing based upon your ROI cost of investment and your terms of the Service for whatever profit. (i.e. purchased for $1800 and you want a 6 month ROI, it would be $300/mo with a minimum 1-year contract). There are also MSSPs out there that provide log, 24/7 NOC, and security. If you're looking at going that in-depth you need to partner with them instead of trying to piecemeal a selection together. There's a lot more involved when you get into the MSSP section and you don't want to do it, or bring the liability into the business without proper training and know-how prior to signing customers up.'' - Online Forum User and Managed Services Provider

''In addition to what others have said, we are taking our clients further than just MFA, we are implementing passwordless authentication that includes password rotation of the back-end AD credentials. We are also performing vulnerability scans daily on customer networks, web servers, etc. Huntress Labs is a must in my opinion. We are trying to get customers to go with SOCaaS but have not been successful there yet. We are still working on that.''- Online Forum User and Managed Services Provider

Security Operations Center: A Key to Cybersecurity Services

To reinforce current cybersecurity services with a more improved cybersecurity solution, MSPs can offer customers MDR services. A Security Operations Center can include on-site and cloud infrastructures to collect security details from a client's website. This will allow them to safely and securely route the client site to a cloud-based platform, and analyze unlimited amounts of data. Partnering with a provider of managed security operations will allow MSPs to avoid the costs and difficulties associated with building a Security Operations Center.

One MSP provider stated that their organization provides a Security Operations Center solution that offers the following services:

  • SIEM
  • EDR
  • Vulnerability scanning + Penetration testing every quarter
  • Darkweb Scanning
  • Log collector that offers FIM and more
  • Compliance & Security monitoring

''Everything is done at a fixed cost. We are able to offer it at a reasonable price because we did not have to build the SOC. We have a partner that does the backend and they provide us with all the tools. It has worked out well.''

When creating a cybersecurity services package that differs from your standard service offerings, it is important for you to know who will depend on your cybersecurity services. Once you understand who your audience is, you will have a better understanding of their problems, and this will allow you to package a solution that will meet their unique needs. There are top cybersecurity services offered by the majority of MSPs, and some of the top cybersecurity services are offered as part of their comprehensive managed services offerings package.

For many MSPs, getting clients to understand the seriousness of cyber threats and the possibilities of cyberattacks is one of the main challenges when selling cybersecurity services. Not every MSP client will understand the importance of cybersecurity services, nor will they all understand why some cybersecurity services are sold at their specific price point. It is important for MSPs to get businesses and organizations to think about how vulnerable every business can be when it comes to threats and attacks. Businesses and organizations should get away from the mindset that they will never be a victim of a cyberattack or data breach.

Do you need more information on the top cybersecurity services sold by MSPs and how those cybersecurity services can be marketed?


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