Stuart’s MSP Marketing Tip: Content Marketing Strategies

I’m pretty obsessed about well-done content for MSPs, and not just using the same old topics everyone else does like backup and recovery, VoIP, and security.  All of these are important but content must be unique to your website to rank on Google. Posting excellent copy on your website is one of the most important […]

I’m pretty obsessed about well-done content for MSPs, and not just using the same old topics everyone else does like backup and recovery, VoIP, and security.  All of these are important but content must be unique to your website to rank on Google.

Posting excellent copy on your website is one of the most important things you can do for your MSP business.  Remember, your website and posts are like an ambassador for your company, and if it’s not on point you’re going to lose out to your competitors.

There are many of reasons to maintain the quality of content for your marketing, from improved SEO results and higher engagement rates to a potential for readers to share it on social media. If you regularly use high-quality content that resonates with your audience, eventually they’ll get it and share it—And suddenly your MSP business is "Internet-famous."

There are two types of content:

  1. The Syndicated Content you use in blogs, social media, and newsletters.
  2. Content for Search Optimization. If you’re targeting search optimization, your content must be unique to your business.

And there are two sets of readers:

  1. The human ones who breeze through and pick up key messages, and
  2. The Google Search Bots that scrutinize every single word.

So, how do you make your content unique?

You must create content your audience wants to read and share. Write what they care about. Answer questions that you get from your clients every day, and expand on these issues in articles and blogs.

Also, include these details in short announcements and invitations for webinars and other events. This will not only pull readers in but get you placed higher in Google rankings.

Make sure your content is valuable and relevant to your readers. And, of course, it should also be up to date.  If not, readers will move on to other blogs and articles.

And, don’t be afraid to write with authority. No one knows your products and services like you do.

Good content will help to make people trust you and your MSP business.

Now, here’s what else I know!

Content in both channels must contain 800 to 1,000 words. Longer types of content, such as white papers, are another great way to encourage readers to engage more deeply with your brand and take a step towards being a loyal customer.

With all the advertising and marketing out there, today’s readers crave meatier articles. As well as increasing your SEO rankings, using long-form articles and blogs will increase reader engagement. Isn’t this what you need anyway.  More interest from your audience so they’ll contact you.

Remember to put a call to action at the end of every piece you write.  Encourage readers to contact you with their questions or concerns.

Make Your Copy Easy to Read.

  • Break up your content into compelling headers, bullets, and keywords.
  • Use well-placed keywords—Once in the header, once in the title, and sprinkled a few times throughout your content.
  • Although SEO rankings are important, don’t force keywords into your copy. If you do it will seem unnatural and you’ll negatively impact the readability of your content, its conversion rate and how it ranks on Google.
  • Complex content can be made reader-friendly by introducing Additional white space.
  • Focus on one idea per paragraph and keep them short (3 to 4 sentences) introduction of lots of white space.
  • Bold the concepts that are most important.

And, don’t forget these basics when writing:   

  • Address your readers directly—use the word you.
  • Skip unnecessary words. Stay on topic.
  • Avoid “word salad” and needless repetition
  • Write in present tense. “Cybersecurity is increasingly important.” Rather than, “Cybersecurity has been increasingly important.”

Finished? Why not have a good (honest) friend review your copy before you post it? 

Another set of eyes is always helpful.

  • Is your copy clean, informative and conversational? Or, does it contain errors and poor formatting?
  • Did you get your point(s) across clearly?
  • Did your friend know what to do after reading your blog? (contact you!)

Creating good content for your marketing can be challenging.  But by following these tips your copy can be valuable and engaging to your readers, and increase your rankings on Google.

Do you struggle with writing content?  Ulistic can help.  We’ll write it for you. We’re experts in content marketing for MSPs. Contact us at {phone} or {email}. We’ll kick-start your next marketing campaign, grab the attention of your audience, and keep them coming back for more! 


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