Compliance-as-a-Service Will Make Your MSP Money...Here's How

Are You Differentiating Your MSP Firm with Compliance-as-a-Service? Compliancy Group’s “The Guard” Solution Promotes a Culture of Compliance – Keeping Your Clients Ready for an Audit! Canada, US, Australia....Doesn't Matter Where You Are...This Impacts Your Managed Services Business Right Now...Pay Attention And Take Action Immediately. The trends in HIPAA enforcement during the last four months […]

Are You Differentiating Your MSP Firm with Compliance-as-a-Service?

Compliancy Group’s “The Guard” Solution Promotes a Culture of Compliance – Keeping Your Clients Ready for an Audit!

Canada, US, Australia....Doesn't Matter Where You Are...This Impacts Your Managed Services Business Right Now...Pay Attention And Take Action Immediately.

The trends in HIPAA enforcement during the last four months alone reveal that a large number of audits were conducted with heavy fines issued to offenders. What can be learned from this? No organization is immune to audits. Whether you’re working with financial services firms that must comply with PCI or healthcare organization that must comply with HIPAA, you need to make sure you’re taking the necessary precautions to help them maintain compliance.

What better way to differentiate your MSP firm than offering compliance-as-a-service?

If you believe you’re already helping your clients meet all requirements for compliance, consider this: an overwhelming number of businesses have misunderstandings about compliance and what it entails. We’ll give you a hint: it’s not just about risk assessment.

Granted, security and risk assessments are important. However, all aspects of HIPAA (incident and business associate management, remediation plans, etc.) are required for compliance, and missing just one piece of the puzzle can result in failure. For compliance, you need to implement written policies and procedures, conduct training and education, enforce standards, and much more.

Compliancy Group was founded in 2005 to fill that void and we’ve succeeded through the development of the Guard: a complete compliance solution that uses a methodology of: achieve, illustrate, and maintain. In essence, the Guard is a fully accessible web-based tool that functions not only to achieve compliance, but also to instill a culture of compliance in the workplace.

Perhaps, the most notable feature of the Guard is that it was designed to address any regulation, in addition to the regulations already built-in, such as HIPAA, HITECH, PCI, and GLB. You can simply add your own regulations to the solution.

According to Compliancy Group, they’ve never had anyone using the solution fail an audit! Here are some great aspects of the solution:

  • Vendor management wherein you can input business associates, upload the agreement, and have documentation to show what you’ve agreed upon.
  • User view that’s accessible to each and every staff member – offering sections to find assigned tasks, report incidents, and access documents.
  • Dashboard lets you see gaps in compliance, remediation plans, incidents, and your overall compliance plan.
  • Incident manager where you’re able to track and perform investigations on incidents, and if an incident is confirmed, it must be remediated.
  • Document manager lets you maintain a full set of security and privacy policies, as well as other documents relating to compliance.
  • And more

The Guard is available as a white label solution, which lets you sell the solution as a stand-alone solution or bundle it as part of the services you already provide. You can also choose to work with Compliancy Group in a referral capacity. Regardless of which solution you choose, they’ll be as visible as you want – staying by your side each step of the way to help you effectively utilize the solution.

While there are other similar tools available on the market today, they only address one or a few components of compliance. As a result, you’ll have to purchase several different tools. And, in the end, you’ll end up with a hefty price tag, starting at $8,000. Compare that to the Guard, which costs just $2,000 if you’re a small to midsize MSP and $3,000 for the main location if you’re a larger business.

Furthermore, you can be completely confident that your purchase of the Guard will allow you to achieve peace of mind. Since its launch, the Guard has maintained a 100% success rate.

Compliance As A Service

As an MSP, you understand how hard it is to stand out in a crowded industry. The Guard instantly sets you apart – allowing you to offer compliance-as-a-service. Ulistic further differentiates you – giving you the marketing tools and expertise you need to achieve stratospheric success. Call 716.799.1999 or send us an email:


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