Why CloudJumper Rocks For MSPs Wanting To Offer Cloud Desktops

Building Your Business in the Cloud with WaaS CloudJumper is proud to have recently hosted an informative webinar with our very own Scott Bechtold on how the right cloud solution can help MSPs grow their businesses. Who is CloudJumper? Scott began the webinar with an overview of CloudJumper, what we do and how we provide an […]

Building Your Business in the Cloud with WaaS

CloudJumper is proud to have recently hosted an informative webinar with our very own Scott Bechtold on how the right cloud solution can help MSPs grow their businesses.

Who is CloudJumper? Scott began the webinar with an overview of CloudJumper, what we do and how we provide an undeniably innovative cloud solution to help our MSP partners achieve new advantages over their competition. Our industry-leading Workspace as a Service (WaaS) platform, nWorkSpace, is a turn-key cloud solution that helps partners to grow their business in the cloud.

nWorkSpace brings the workspace into the cloud, giving MSP customers access to their desktops, apps, email and data from all their devices – computer, laptop, tablet, and smartphone – anywhere business may be conducted.

Why WaaS and Not DaaS? Next, Scott turned his attention to WaaS and why it's so important. The conventional, industry-standard cloud configuration is Desktop as a Service (DaaS). For all its popularity, DaaS is nothing more than an empty house, offering a desktop shell that still needs to be filled in with all the necessary features to make it work right for your business. Anti-virus solutions, data backup capability, app management and more are all left to the MSP so DaaS can support the end user customer.

CloudJumper built its WaaS solution, to give the channel a full package MSPs can offer that maintains a productive, convenient and safe IT environment for their customers. In addition to the desktop, our nWorkSpace WaaS solution comes with complete application management, storage, Active Directory, anti-SPAM and anti-virus technology, data backup, and total environment management from our expert team of cloud engineers.

WaaS Supporting the End User. With the basics covered, Scott pivoted to WaaS end user benefits. In a nutshell? It provides security, flexibility, and access!

  • Quickly access to your files, apps, email and data through all your devices, allowing you to work on the go as needed.
  • Skip the hassle of IT and focus on the strategic.
  • Give your network fortune 500 quality security.
  • Work even when you don’t have internet access.
  • Connect and collaborate with your coworkers, whether they're working remotely or you are.

Imagine being able to finish any vital work at home after dinner, or keep an eye out for an important email during the breaks in your kid's soccer game, or log a few hours while you wait for the weather to clear on vacation. All that and more becomes a reality just as soon as you move to the cloud.

WaaS Supporting the MSP. Before it ended, Scott turned attention once again, this time to how WaaS supports the MSP.  As a CloudJumper partner, MSPs gain some crucial advantages, including:

  • A disruptive pricing plan that offers undeniably effective Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
  • A hassle-free cloud desktop service that allows the clients' IT Director to oversee a staff that is leaner, nimbler, and more valuable to the organization.
  • Sales, engineering and marketing support that includes predeveloped marketing collateral to ongoing support from our expert engineers, CloudJumper is here to help.
  • High Volume Provisioning that allows for seamless and speedy on-boarding, helping both you and your customers to save time and money when transitioning.
  • Branding Flexibility that allows MSPs to choose how they position their WaaS solution, with the freedom to use the CloudJumper name, or, white label and co-branding options.

Before concluding with a Q&A for attendees, Scott offed a live demo of nWorkSpace so that participants could see how it works firsthand. Click here to watch the webinar for yourself (see above) and get the complete picture of how our WaaS solution will help you build your business.

To learn more about the best cloud solution on the market, and to sign up for our next webinar, be sure to get in touch with CloudJumper right away: or (844) 645-6789. Follow CloudJumper on social media: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn.


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