Should You Buy Leads?

Lead List Creation When IT business owners and MSPs ask me this question, my quick answer is “No!” Anybody can sell you a lead list. Whatever the price, when you buy leads they may be qualified, but most aren’t. You won’t know where they came from, or which practices were used to acquire them—You’re simply […]

Lead List Creation

When IT business owners and MSPs ask me this question, my quick answer is “No!” Anybody can sell you a lead list. Whatever the price, when you buy leads they may be qualified, but most aren’t. You won’t know where they came from, or which practices were used to acquire them—You’re simply getting a list.

It’s best to do your own lead-list creation and qualifying. You can do this—But you must do the hard work yourself. “Hussle!”

How to Build Your Own Lead List.

Get on the Web and look for:

  • Trade Associations
  • The Chamber of Commerce in your area
  • Business Groups
  • Industry Groups – The Bar Association, CPA groups, etc. 

Compile Your List and Research Your Leads.

  • Look leads up on social media. Go to LinkedIn and research their businesses and executives to qualify them.
  • Do the same on Facebook.
  • Join business groups on LinkedIn and Facebook reach out to them—but not to sell.
  • Provide them some free advice, something of value through a direct message (DM) via social media. (Ulistic’s “Marketing In a Box” has some great tips you can share with your leads.)

Canvass—Visit People in Their Place of Business. 

  • Go door-to-door. Don’t sell.
  • Introduce yourself.
  • Drop off some free information.
  • Build relationships.
  • Have a conversation with people.
  • Build trust.

This is hard work, but it’s a must if you want to build and grow your MSP!


  • Master MSP Marketing">MSP Marketing
  • Increase Sales
  • Get New Leads
  • Close More Business

And, stay tuned for more MSP Marketing Tips from “The Ask Stuart C. Show!” 


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