ROI Expectations—The Biggest Mistake MSPs Make When Marketing

MSPs ask us all the time: “How much of a return on investment will we get from Ulistic’s services?”  My answer to them is another question: “How much are you willing to participate in your marketing?” Many of you expect an immediate return on your marketing investment—But this is an unrealistic expectation. Ulistic can help, […]

MSPs ask us all the time: “How much of a return on investment will we get from Ulistic’s services?”  My answer to them is another question: “How much are you willing to participate in your marketing?”

Many of you expect an immediate return on your marketing investment—But this is an unrealistic expectation. Ulistic can help, but you must do the hard work.  You must continually network, canvass, and get out there and promote your business. You won’t see a positive ROI unless you do.

The great companies stick with it. They think marketing all the time and practice it.  It may take them 7 to 8 years before they see a positive ROI–-But, they never give up.  In the end, they win. They now have so much business that we lose touch because they’re so busy.

You must get out of this instant-gratification mindset—That if you do one marketing campaign, you’ll see immediate results.  It’s not going to happen.  You may need to do 10+ marketing campaigns before you see any positive results.  And guess what?  90% of you will quit after two campaigns.

It’s a marathon, not a sprint.  Just as you want to provide the best-in-breed IT services, you must use the best-in-breed marketing strategies, every day, week and month.   You can’t sit back and expect things to improve because you did one email campaign.

Do the hard work and you WILL win in the end. Make marketing an ongoing priority in your schedule. And NEVER, EVER quit.


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