How To Improve Your Content Marketing For Awesome SEO

Your MSP’s content marketing matters. It can make all the difference where SEO is concerned. Head here to learn how to make your content work for you.  

Create Awesome SEO by Improving Your Content Marketing

Your MSP’s content marketing matters. It can make all the difference where SEO is concerned. Head here to learn how to make your content work for you.  

By now, you already know how important content is for your MSP’s marketing strategy.

But how exactly do you go about creating the very best content — content that will boost SEO and increase your leads?

That’s what we’ll be talking about today.

Optimizing Your Website’s Content for Awesome SEO

Before we dive right into the best strategies for making your marketing content great for SEO, let’s define what SEO is.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization.

Here’s how it works: Let’s say your MSP is located in Omaha, Nebraska, and you cater specifically to the healthcare industry there. In this case, your leads are most likely going to be dentists’ offices, doctors’ offices, nursing homes, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities in the greater Omaha area. Therefore, when these facilities are searching online for MSPs in Omaha, you want your website to come up first.

This naturally means that you need to think of the keywords and keyword phrases that these facilities are going to be using when they search for MSPs. In this situation, you’d be targeting keywords such as:

  • MSP Omaha for doctors offices
  • MSPs in Omaha
  • best IT service Omaha
  • top IT support for dentists in Omaha

If you can optimize your MSP’s website content for these keywords, you’ll be optimizing your content for search engines. Ideally, you’ll be the first MSP listed when potential clients search for MSPs in your area.

How to Optimize for Search Engines

The question you may be asking now is: What do you have to do to make your content optimized for search engines?

Well, this is tough because the answer is always changing. You see, search engines like Google and Yahoo use elusive algorithms to organize the rankings of results that come up after each search. They change these algorithms from time to time and don’t always let website owners know.

However, the good news is that we do know a few tactics, which always boost SEO rankings:

Shorter Sentences

Search engines like shorter sentences. Ideally, you want to keep your sentence lengths below 20 words. Of course, this is hard to do for all of your content. Therefore, simply aim to keep at least 25 percent of all of your sentences at less than 20 words each.

Shorter Paragraphs

Search engines like shorter sentences and shorter paragraphs, as it turns out. According to Yoast, it is advised that you keep your paragraphs at or below 150 words. The good news is, this can make it easier to write your content as you’re not pressed to create long, detailed paragraphs. Keep it short, sweet, and simple.

Frequent Headings

As you use shorter paragraphs, be sure to break up sections with unique headings. These headings should be varied and include powerful adjectives and adverbs. You want to pose questions and use the headings to create flow between the various sections of your content.

Not Using the Passive Voice

The passive voice should be used as little as possible. If you’re not sure what the passive voice is, here is an example of the passive voice and the active voice (you should be using the active voice and not the passive voice):

  • Passive Voice: The song was changed by John at the last minute.
  • Active Voice: John changed the song at the last minute.

Essentially, you want the subject of the sentence to be first in the sentence and followed by an active verb as opposed to having the object first in the sentence.

Need Help Improving Your Content Marketing for SEO?

Is your MSP marketing company taking charge of your content in order to maximize your SEO efforts? If not, it’s time to partner with an MSP marketing company that will.

Ulistic can help your MSP company achieve amazing success with your content, SEO, and all other marketing efforts — it’s what we do! We are also the only managed services marketing agency that offers a complete, no questions asked, money-back guarantee if we fail to generate results.

Ready to learn more and start reaping the benefits of amazing marketing? Give us a call at {phone}, or drop us an email at We look forward to taking your MSP company to the next level!


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