An Awesome Customer Service Reminder

Imagine this. It is 11:57 AM on a Saturday morning, you are rushing to your dry cleaners to drop off your suit and a couple of shirts, you know you have the potential of hitting the dry cleaners just before closing, it is a tight fit. You pull into the driveway with three minutes to […]

Imagine this. It is 11:57 AM on a Saturday morning, you are rushing to your dry cleaners to drop off your suit and a couple of shirts, you know you have the potential of hitting the dry cleaners just before closing, it is a tight fit. You pull into the driveway with three minutes to spare to find two people talking in the parking lot. You get out, grab your stuff from the car and one of them says that they close at 12 o’clock. Wait, it is only 11:57 AM according to my iPhone?

This exact thing happened to me last weekend at Griffin’s Dry Cleaners in Avon Park, FL. I had some items that needed dry cleaning and I found Griffin’s after a quick Google search and realized that they were just down the street. Awesome, I was in luck, but then I became disappointed when a lady, who was obviously an employee told me, “We’re closed!” When I said it was only 11:57 and I had three minutes, she just walked away and got in her car.

Has Griffin’s Dry Cleaners lost a potential customer who spends about $250 a month on dry cleaning? I think so.

Will I give Griffin’s another chance? Perhaps, only because they appear to be the only game in Sebring and Avon Park, but I will search around.

This got me thinking, is Ulistic doing this with our clients. It is 4:57 on a Friday afternoon and a client emails our support desk or a client rep with a question and they just ignore it because it is 4:57 on a Friday afternoon. I would be silly to say, “no, it doesn’t happen.” I do hope that my culture of client first, stratospheric success and also that we are in business to change people’s lives messaging with rise to the top and this sort of stuff doesn’t happen, but I am sure it does. Those people don’t last long at Ulistic.

What about your business? Are your staff members acting like this lady from Griffin’s Dry Cleaners and forcing business away simply because it is the weekend or for some other reason? How do we prevent this from happening in the first place? How do you ensure you have committed people on your team who put the needs of the customer first even if it is 12:02 in the afternoon and you were supposed to close two minutes ago?

This is a very good and very tough question to ask yourself. Trust me, it is something I wrestle with every day of the week. Do I have committed team members who will go the extra mile to please a client or do we have a bunch of time clock punchers, here just to collect a paycheck?

Don’t be silly and think you don’t have time clock punchers. Every business has them. Your job as the business owner is to flush them out fast and ensure your hiring process weeds these guys out before you even hire them. They do sneak through though…then you need to get rid of them before they cause any real damage to your business.

Thanks to Griffin’s Dry Cleaners for the reminder that we all have staff members who treat potential business the way I was treated. I will give you another chance, but some others may not be open to doing so.

Take this time and complete an inventory of your staff members. Who are your committed one that will do anything for the success of your business and who are your anxious time clock punchers? Keep the committed ones, find more committed ones and dump the time clock punchers right away.

Have questions? Please book a free consultation with me at and lets chat.


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