3 Rock Solid Tips MSPs Can Deploy Now For Success On Social Media

With almost half of the world on social media, your MSP business can’t afford to not use this great marketing tool. Yet, many IT businesses struggle when it comes to successful social media marketing.

3 Rock Solid Tips MSPs Can Deploy Now For Success On Social Media

With almost half of the world on social media, your MSP business can’t afford to not use this great marketing tool. Yet, many IT businesses struggle when it comes to successful social media marketing. With the growing number of platforms and the time it takes to post, it’s no surprise why. Social media marketing can be intimidating and overwhelming, but following a few solid tips can help you have success.

1. Post Frequently on Social Media

Frequency to social media posting is key to your marketing success. People only spend an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes on social media platforms so you are likely to get buried under newer content if you only post once a week or once a month. The best path is to post every single day. This includes posting at least once a day on each of your social media platforms from Linkedin and Facebook to Twitter and Instagram.

Creating that much content daily can be exhausting. You can prepare your content by creating each month’s social media content in advance. You can also work with a digital marketing expert to relieve some of that pressure. Some agencies will help you create content as well as post it, taking two things off your to-do list.

2. Create Content From Your Talking Points

What are your talking points? These are statements you want people to connect with for your product, service, or brand. You may recognize the famous Geico statement, “Geico can save you 15% or more on car insurance.” This is a Geico brand talking point; when you hear it, you immediately think of them.

What statements do you want people to think of when they see your brand? Write down five to eight statements for your MSP. When you create your social media content, incorporate these statements into your content. Whether you make a video, graphic, or word post, make sure people walk away thinking of one of your talking points.

3. Repeat Those Points

Repetition will drive your social media success home. Most people do not recognize a brand until the 5th or 6th time they interact with it. The same goes for your talking points. People won’t become familiar with them until they’ve seen them repeatedly. Once you are already posting frequently, repeating your talking points shouldn’t be too difficult.

What Can MSPs Do Beyond Social Media?

Social media can only be successful if you have prepared your base first. Give your MSP the best preparation to guarantee the best level of success. Focus on these three things.

Know Your Brand

The best marketing in the world will fall flat if you don’t know your brand. Knowing your brand means thoroughly understanding what your MSP stands for and values. If you know your brand well, creating those talking points for your social media will be so much easier.

Create Batch Content

Creating new social media content daily is time-consuming. If you prepare it beforehand, posting on social media every day won’t be as difficult. Your MSP should create a batch of about a month’s content. You can create more if you have time, but be prepared to toss it in case of drastic societal changes.

Engage With Digital Marketing Experts

These tips are great for the MSPs that have the time and energy to do this, but what about the ones that don’t? Engaging with experts and outsourcing your social media can save you time and hassle, especially if you aren’t social media savvy. Ulistic is a marketing firm focused on the marketing needs of IT managed service providers. Unlike other marketing firms, we understand MSPs from the technical jargon to how they work. We offer great packages that include SEO, email marketing, social media marketing, website development, and sales development.

Are you ready for your social media to succeed without having to put in long hours? Schedule an appointment with our team and learn more about Ulistic. We can’t wait to grow your business success by creating engaging, on-brand social media marketing.


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